Wednesday, March 27, 2013


For those of you who don’t know, haven’t heard, or perhaps live under a rock, #nojudgement, CrossFitters around the world (including right here at CFJAX!) are smack dab in the middle of the first tier of competition for The CrossFIt Games: The Open.  Now for most of you, the effects of The Open have looked like this: incessant Facebook posting by your CFJAX friends, coaches working out a million times a day, sometimes even during your classes, eating crazy food that does not look Paleo, and these workouts on Fridays, why are they numbered?  C’mon man I don’t need to be judged on how well I do! Are you crazy??

Any of this sound familiar??  Yeah, we thought so.  But check this out …

Whether you live under that rock or not, what we know and what we want YOU to know is that you are part of a Community of Awesome.  As a member of CrossFit JAX you experience the power and presence of something greater than ourselves within our walls.  Something so amazing in fact that amidst your pain, suffering and constant soreness you still continue to come back for more.  This box isn’t just about great workouts or being “rip shred diesel” as I heard a member say jokingly a few weeks ago.  For many of you, CrossFit JAX is your “3rd place,” following closely behind your 1st and 2nd, home and work.  A place where you have a sense of belonging and camaraderie…  and a familiar face to chat with, workout with, or maybe even shit talk with as we grow and evolve as CrossFitters.

You see, it is this very thing, this COMMUNITY OF AWESOME that we as your Coaches so strongly desire to represent in The Open.  Our scores matter because YOU matter.  Our standards matter because YOU matter.  The special training, the crazy nutrition, the mandatory sleeping, the longer than long work days to fit it all in, the time away from our own lives and families…. It is all because of you that we choose this crazy stuff!  Sure, we love to compete, and we do love that aspect of CrossFit.  However, what we love the most is CrossFit JAX.   What we love the most is you.

And what we need right now the most…. is YOU.

With 2 weeks left in The Open, team CFJAX sits in 39th place in our region, The Dirty South.  The top 30 teams from The Open will move on to The Regional level of competition, which is held here in our home state of Florida.  With only 20 points guarding that gap between our current placement and 30th place, you better believe that this war is far from over.  We want you to know that reppin’ our box means everything to us, therefore we are going to work like hell over the next 2 weeks to earn our final standing, whatever it may be in order to be the best version of our team that we can. We want to represent everything that CFJAX is about.

So what do we need from you then?  It’s really quite simple:  Keep being our Community of Awesome.  You all make it so easy for us to love our jobs and fight hard through the end of the battle for the next couple of weeks.  No matter what the outcome gang, you have to know that it is worth every bead of sweat and every burning breath to be able to fly the CFJAX flag on our backs. To even have the opportunity to do what we have done in The Open thus far is a privilege.  So, as the waves of emotion start to go wild here over the next several days, hang on ‘cause it’s going to be an amazing and wild ride.  If you pray, pray.  If you sing, sing.  If you zen, zen.  Stay humble, stay hungry.  #teamcfjax