Wednesday, June 22, 2011

skill: handstand push up

focus: overhead squat

400m run
95/65 overhead squat x 15

core: 3 rounds
ghd sit up x 15
glute ham raise x 15

compare to 15NOV10


  1. Why don't you guys program like you used to? I haven't checked the site in awhile due to lack of good workouts, and I took a chance today and still main site wods or watered down wods? This site used to be my bread and butter but now I am disappointed. I know you have to cater to what looks like a very new crowd compared to 2/3 years ago- I am comparing wods/pics- but have you guys lost your fire? Bring back the good stuff.

  2. Keep them coming!
    rob. did nancy as rx'd. however, I added 30m to the run for each round.
    my time 14:28

    bou did it as rx'd as well. 12:17.
    jean did it rx'd too. 16:47.
    butcher.18:?? rx'd as well.

    bou and I did a mu emom afterwards. for sh*ts and giggles.
