Wednesday, June 29, 2011


skill: burgener @ 45/30
-down & up: power position into triple extension
-elbows high & out: scarecrow/tight bar path
-tall muscle snatch: fast turnover/armpits forward
-jump & land: from pulling into landing position

work: power snatch 7x1

extra credit: max ring push ups in 3 attempts
-align toes even with top of rings
-maintain rigid core i.e. tight glutes/abs


  1. Did brob's challenge first.
    400m row, max pull ups, 200m sprint 30 box jumps.
    2min rest
    400m row, max hspu, 200m sprint, 30 box jumps
    2min rest
    400m row, max ring dips, 200m sprint, 30 box jumps
    then directly mu for max reps in 2 min.

    After an hour pause, OHS x 3, power snatches x3 starting with the bar and going up to 80kg. Did not get the 80kg power snatch.

  2. right up our alley, rob. i like it. so what were your numbers?

  3. The day before, Murph murphed me out. My scores weren't all that hot. But it's all good.

    pull ups were 13, hspu 7, ring dips were 14.

    sweaty palms and rings were an issue. I got one countable muscle up. Total time with rest: 17:22.

    Had a seriously hard time trying to get a grip on the rings. The tape was wet with sweat. With my sweaty hands, the chalk didn't help much. Any tips?

  4. thats still strong work bro. sweaty hands? wristbands always did the trick for me.
