Thursday, February 17, 2011


mark off 10 meters on the ground.  on the 1st minute, sprint 10m or one length.  the 2nd minute, sprint two lengths (down and back).  sprint 3 lengths the third minute and so on until you can no longer finish the distance within that given minute.  highest minute reached that i am aware of is 22mins.  good luck!

-at least one foot and one hand must touch the ground over the 10m line for that length to count.
-score is highest minute completed.  add up all the meters you sprinted and compare to others for pure joy.


  1. I think this would be cool to do with a vest. My reasoning is that 3 years ago, I was 23,5kg heavier then I am now! To make sure that I never get that way again, I think it will be a lasting reminder!
    Thoughts appreciated!
    Rob in Ger.

  2. Rapids Crew ~

    Min Completed + Total Meters (when some failed we counted those meters...not the minute)

    Britt ~ 16 / 1520
    Feidt ~ 12 / 780
    Syd ~ 13 / 910
    tb ~ 14 / 1190 (w/ 20# Vest)
    Hansen ~ 14 / 1190 (w/ 20# Vest)
    Reeder ~ 14 / 1190
    Fiegel ~ 12 / 900

    Rob in Ger. ~ thanks for the thought on wearing a wt. vest...We tried it & it was challenging...

    We have done this one before, but the Hand & Foot touching the line made this more difficult.

    JAX ~ I thought I remember the 22min being a person doing this on the track, just adding 10m everytime rather than going down & back...
    I would LOVE to see someone getting this thing in the 20+ range...Must be awesome!

  3. Nate

    15 lengths

    Just for laughs 1830 class and I went for max lengths in 1:00 to try and see if 22 mins was attainable. Even my well rested legs could only get me 19 and change. 22 mins requires bionic legs.

    Really nice job by everyone this afternoon! Ali and Lauren--you ladies freaking rocked it!! Workouts like this aren't the most glamorous or the most fun but they are just as important as the ones that are. Kudos to everyone who showed up and gave it everything they had today.
