Friday, January 7, 2011


amrap in 20mins of:
400m run
155/100 deadlift x 21

compare to 27NOV04


  1. nate said he's gonna get more than 4 rounds. just sayin'.

  2. Deadlifts are like cutting butter.. on the other hand that 400m can be a killer! I mean.... ya know.

  3. Rx. 7 rnds. Shooowstoppa!!

  4. mego / rx / 5 rounds + 400m run = 21:20.

    guess i should have ran faster. story of my life!

  5. The Rodgers family:

    Matt/rx/6 rounds
    Amber/rx/5 rounds

  6. i was slightly back weary going in to the last two rounds. rowed the run, and after the first 3 prounds that didnt go well either. went from a 1:45 to a 1:55.
    6 rounds w/ 155#

    the observation was made that i was rowing with on eye closed, and for that observation i give this quote (a classic piece of movie history) from a movie the remake of which i hope you all plan to see:

    Ned Pepper: What's your intention? Do you think one on four is a dogfall?
    Rooster Cogburn: I mean to kill you in one minute, Ned. Or see you hanged in Fort Smith at Judge Parker's convenience. Which'll it be?
    Ned Pepper: I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man.
    Rooster Cogburn: Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!

  7. karen 5 rds with a lowly weak 85#.. hats off to the women just old and weak. but my backs ok steps back to dead lifts..nice to be back to cfjax after the holidays....

  8. 3 rounds rx with 400 m @ 20:54.... The absolute worst pain was the muscle in the lower back going straight down my leg holy wowza's!! Another good WOD! keep'em coming!

  9. Nate

    6 rounds Rx

    Awesome job by Showstoppah, Will, and Derek who all completed 7 freaking rounds.
