Monday, December 20, 2010


warm up
tabata mash up
-double unders
-push ups

front squat
3x3 for heaviest 3 rep load

double unders x 40
pull ups x 20
burpees x 10
135#/95# squat clean thrusters x 5


  1. Congrats to all the new coaches down at cfjax! You are putting together one hell of a team down there!!! And Chris nice shirt!....On another note, doesn't Reebok CrossFit One have a fimiliar looking website? Hmmmm?

    Andy G. from TakeOver

  2. Rapids Crew ~

    El Tigre' (6-2/205bwt) ~ 245# FS / 22:16 Rx
    Britt (6-0/155bwt) ~ 210# FS / 23:53 (115 SCT)
    Feidt (6-0/210bwt) ~ 200# FS / 28:35 (200Singles & Green Band PU)
    tb (5-10/188bwt) ~ 245# FS / 22:16 Rx
    Hansen* (5-11/170bwt) ~ 225# FS / 24:19 Rx
    Biba* (6-0/175) ~ 185# FS / 27:58 (95# SCT & 120Singles)

    Not sure of the tech. on SCT...We did a full squat clean to standing, then had to do thruster (two full squats w/in the rep)...Just to clarify.

    As far as the "We need to talk" article...Sometimes I/We worry about intruding on CFJAX "Space"...Who are these clowns from WI writing on our blog-space...Why do they keep coming back?...etc ~
    We are constantly inspired by the performances of you guys in JAX and Germany Crew! It keeps us motivated and working hard...You are a great group and CF Jax is a CF affiliate that is second to none in programing...Everyone in Rapids has improved in ALL areas thru these WOD's...THANKS!

    12 Days of Christmas will be performed in Rapids on Thursday! 1 Backwards Lap(130m) begin!

  3. Congrats to all of you guys/gals!

  4. karen 65# 16:00 (100 singles each rd.)...Great workout!

  5. Bryan... 245x3 front squats, 22:37 mod du with 100 singles. Congratulations to all the trainers on their certifications!

  6. thanks Andy! mi casa su casa.

    tb- our standards for the sct are to squat clean the bar and extend into the press from bottom of the clean. i suppose you could squat clean to stand/extend AND THEN decend into a thruster rep, however, that just seems like too much work for me lol. but great job for doing it the latter rather than the former! OUCH.

    rafie- been hearing nothing but badass things from you. glad you're now bleeding, sweating and crying in our walls now...andy, thanks for sharing him!

    karen- you have until now until the next time i see you to work on your double unders!

    bryan- your getting stronger AND faster!

  7. Haha Chris..nice comments to everyone but me!!!., I DO work on them every now and then...just not getting any better...I plan to take the rope on vacay!! Its difficult when your partner at home says why bother on DU's...I have it so tough!...Merry Christmas...Enjoy your Family TIME!
