Tuesday, December 21, 2010


burgener warm up @ 45#/30#
-down up
-elbows high
-tall muscle snatch
-rear push press
-heaving snatch balance
-pressing snatch balance
-overhead squat

400m run
135/95 deadlift x 10
135/95 power clean x 10
400m run
115/75 front squat x 15
115/75 push press x 15
400m run
95/55 ground to overhead x 20
95/55 overhead squats x 20
400m run
-15min time cap
-scale accordingly


  1. yesterday: Did shoulder press week 4 from the "15" Program.
    Assistance work was 3 rounds of 10 reps each of:
    bent over barbell rows, inverted ring pull ups and weighted ring dips.

    then did 2 rounds of CFJax Attrition. went fast as possible without the stop watch.

    Today's wod: Nice!
    Although we had some nasty conditions (ice)we still ran this morning.
    reid. rx'd- 14:37
    butcher. rx'd-15:00
    rob. rx'd. 13:22

    Although I have been slacking off on the metcon's and concentrating more on strength lately, I feel a lot more rejuvenated and less burned out. (I am pretending to be on vacation.)4 more weeks to go with this program and I'll be back on the CFJax track every single day.

    We will be using this wod for our programming today as well.

    Thanks CFJAX! Have fun with this one Grand Rapid's Crew!

    btw, if you haven't seen bou's comments lately, it's because he has been out of it since our christmas party at work!

  2. Rapids Crew ~

    El Tigre' (6-2/205bwt) ~ 14:13 (Rx)
    Britt (6-0/155bwt) ~ 14:23 (115/95/75)
    Feidt (6-0/210bwt) ~ 15 OHS @ Time (115/95/95)
    tb (5-10/188bwt) ~ FAILURE...125m away from 15:00min (wts as recomended...El T challenged my ego so I did not sclale the wts, even though I knew I should have...actually the worst part of this was the run...)
    Hansen* (5-11/170bwt) ~ 14:25 (Rx)
    Fiegl* (6-2/220bwt) ~ 14:09 (Rx)

    Tremendous WOD...The time limit was perfect! Going against a clock for a finish time forced an entirly different feeling as we were performing!

    Great Job to the Germans! "Running on Ice" must have been fun ;)...We know the feeling in Wisconsin (however today we used the fieldhouse!)

  3. rob-
    tell bou i said 'thats one hell of a hangover'. i'd also like to hear more about the strength bias you're doing. great times on todays wod!

    combining a time & task priority in one workout is always fun. "here's what needs to be done and you have this much time to do it in" ... FML. even still, the fact you guys pushed yourselves as hard as you could to try and make it within the time constraint is awesome. workouts like this definitely makes it a competition with yourself.

  4. Bou is back 13:19 rx´d

  5. RAFI!!!

    Stoked you found a home at the best gym in Jax! Train hard, stay motivated and continue to make us proud.

    Andy G.

  6. thanks andy.

    there alot of moving in this wod. hope te redeem myself from yesterday.

  7. The Rodger's family

    Whew that was killer!
    Matt: 14:28
    Amber: 13:27?

    Gonna miss you guys for the whole 7 days! Looking forward to 2011! Have a great holiday!!

  8. karen
    75#, 65#, 55#..dropped to 45 then 35# during OHS...DNF.15:30....30 seconds off..GREAT WOD kicked my butt..scaled the run abit too!!.little sore from yesterday..what will tomorrow feel like???

  9. well there is a big DNF next to my name so that should sum it up. UPSET!

  10. Rx. 13:08

    A lot harder than it looked.

  11. i know somebody that should try this w/ the 500m's (which are supposed to equal a 400m run ha ha) and see if they beat the 15 min. i made 12 OHS at 115,95/75, and i thought i was going to swallow a lung.
