Monday, November 8, 2010


muscle up

back squat
max reps @ 80% bodyweight in 2mins
3min rest
80% 1RM x 3
2min rest
max reps @ 85% bodyweight in 1min
3min rest
85% 1RM x 2
2min rest
max reps @ 90% bodyweight in 30secs
3min rest
90% 1RM x 1

stress.  everyone has it and experiences it to some degree.  some more than others.  some ignore it to 'deal with it' while others resort to external sources/gratification to make them 'forget it' i.e. alcohol, drugs, etc.

but suppressing stress will only cause it to get worse and worse and it's a matter of time before something ignites it and before you know it, it has blown up in your face resurfacing stronger than ever before.

so how do we deal with stress?  therapy?  drugs?  spiritual guidance?  nah...all that sounds too weird and uncomfortable.

do you believe that life itself is supposed to be stressful?  that at certain times in life, we all are supposed to experience it and suffer through it?  well, you could be wrong.  that belief could be a myth.

what if it i were to say there are no such things as 'stressors'?  imagine if nothing caused us to stress...ever.  what if there was no such thing as having a stressful job?  stressful relationship?  that finances (or lack thereof) didn't make anyone stressed?  what if i were to tell you that it's possible to live stress-free, regardless of what you are experiencing?

according to Andrew Bernstein, it is.

through his research and experience, he has learned to view stress and life through a different set of lens. and through his method, he has experienced calmness and clarity.  he sees things in the present and goes straight to the truth of the matter.  it is this truth, this reality, that he is able to control his views, feelings and emotions which in turn prevents him from experiencing stress.

so, what does this have to do with CrossFit?

i was privileged to have listened to Mr. Bernstein give a lecture on this particular subject at the recent CFHQ Trainer Summit which was held at CrossFit Charlotte this past week.  as CrossFitters, we all experience stress every time we workout.  but knowing how to deal with it, or in Mr. Bernstein's case, how to avoid it completely, can only increase our mental capacity across broad time and modal domains. this is very functional in everyone's life, and applying this in our everyday life is crucial in our efforts of seeking and finding happiness within our lives.  it all starts with our thoughts and the feelings we attach to those thoughts, which in turn, makes us act and behave a certain way.  finding what's real or not, seeing the reality of a moment, will unravel things that might just seem ridiculous to be upset about to begin with.  you can't argue with reality and what's real - because reality will win every time.  and if you realize that you are worrying and stressing about something that isn't real, then and only then will you have that 'aha!' moment.

for more information on Andrew Bernstein, click here or check out his new book, "The Myth of Stress".


  1. Karen @ 1130
    nice workout!
    28 @ 75# (2min)
    3 @ 80#
    13 @ 85# (1min)
    2 @ 95#
    10 @ 105# (30sec)
    1 @ 110#

  2. rob.194bw
    36@155# (2min)

    reid. reps:40,3,20,2,12,1
    Can't remember his weights.

    bou." Viper": 16:50rx'd

    A few books I could recommend regardless of religious or Spiritual background:
    "Awakening the Buddha Within" from Lama Surya Das
    or "Living the Mindful Life" from Charles Tart
    or from Henry David Thoreau: Walden; Or Life in the Woods".

    Anything from Ken Wilber.

  3. Rapids Crew ~

    El Tigre' (6-2/205bwt) ~Didn't record #'s...

    Britt (6-0/155bwt) ~28@125/3x185/20@130/2x195/12@140/1x205

    Feidt (6-0/210bwt)
    Guessed light for max...could be more...

    tb (5-10/185bwt)
    315# max should have been more!

    Hepp (5-11/190bwt)

    Great WOD...Can't wait until tomorrow!

  4. 178bw.

    anxiously awaiting what's next based on the fact that my lower half may be destroyed.

  5. 205bw
    165x40, 290x3
    175x21, 310x2
    185x12, 330x1
    legs already tight/sore

  6. 200bw 265 max DL
    160x29.215, 170x15.225, 180x9.240 rx

    Feeling good so far, but I have been hearing some stories of lingering pain from this one. Did this on my regurally scheduled day off. Need the work on lower body strength.
    CFJax makes me strong from the wheat state
