Sunday, October 3, 2010


as CrossFitters, we are in the business of general physical preparedness or GPP. very rarely, if at all, do we actually spend any significant amount of time training for one particular specialized sport. because of this, our prescription of using constantly varied functional movement executed at high intensity, coupled with being as broad, general and inclusive has proven that the method does indeed accomplish our goals of getting good at a bunch of different tasks and modalities.

having said that, we also must 'regularly learn and play new sports' in order to transfer and apply our skills to test our strengths and expose our weaknesses. it is because of your demands and requests that we have started a running club. this running club is one of many great ideas that you, the member, have come up with. we listened. we implemented.

the CFJAX POSErs run club started 2 weeks ago and is lead by the team of CFJAX coaches Jon Gardner and Steve Clare as well as endurance athlete Chrissy Wallis. inspired by the training, the camaraderie and support of the  rest of the running club, Nikki Johnson and Laurie Carter both accomplished their goals and finished their respective races this past weekend.

thanks to CFJAX, Nikki PR'd on two runs yesterday! she ran a 3 miler in 23+ minutes and proceeded to complete a half marathon (13.1 miles) in 2hrs and 26secs. great job, Nikki!

Laurie completed her 1st ever 5K run! this run was such a huge deal for Laurie and we are very proud of her achieving this monumental goal. it just goes to show what dedication, commitment and perseverance can get you if you really want something in life.


  1. So thankful to be a part of something so empowering! I can't believe this is my life & so glad you all are a part of it!


  2. Congrats to Nikki and Laura! CrossFit's ability to improve capacity in any given modality without having to train exclusively in said modality is staggering.

  3. That's why Ya'lls box rocks!

    Did the b-hole or as it was originally named 00wong. It was a going away wod for a friend of ours in Ramstein.

    5 rounds of Cindy, 1 round of helen then the last round of fran.(60kg thrusters) All pull ups are c2b.

    bou.10:51 I'll never catch him again!
    rob. 13:01 happy to have under 15min.

    You guys are special.

  4. Laurie, congrats on all you've accomplished!

  5. Thanks for everyone's help and support. Best I've ever felt in a race!

  6. I know this is a tad late but thanks everyone.. couldn't have done it without CFJAX!!
