Sunday, October 3, 2010


Joey Perez, a prior US Marine (not 'former' since any Marine will tell you - once a Marine, always a Marine!), who owns his own painting business, is CFJAXs September Athlete of the Month.  he is very dedicated to improving his ability each and every time he comes in to the Hot Box.  his discipline as a Marine has definitely carried over into his CrossFit training.  he knows his weaknesses and he's hell-bent on minimizing those as he maintains focus on his short & long term goals.  Joey strives for perfection and in pursuing excellence, which makes him very coachable.  we sat down with him recently to ask him of his training:

When did you begin training at CFJAX?
- July 29, 2010
Do you remember what your first workout was?
- Can't remember what my 1st one was, but I do remember my 1st hardest one was - Tillman.  the running sucked the most...the whole thing was pretty bad.
How has CFJAX affected your everyday life?
- This is the 1st time I have ever really committed to a fitness program.  Improving my eating habits has resulted in better health and physical changes.
Do you have a favorite Olympic weightlifting (Oly lift)?
- The clean & jerk.  My nemesis with barbell training is the deadlift.
What is your favorite WOD, or workout of the day?
- Anything that presents a challenge.  I look forward to the hard workouts more than any others, like Fran or FGB.
What would be your least favorite?
- Anything with running.  I do so much as a Marine that I'm sick of it.  I used to be a good runner, not so much anymore.
What do you go through right before the workout starts?
- It all starts when I get home from work which is usually about an hour before the WOD.  I have to psyche myself up.  I like to get to the box early and watch the previous group finish up.  That gives me motivation and a second wind.  I do get nervous, but I try to mentally prepare for it throughout the day.
How important is nutrition to you and do you see improvement with your performance when you watch what you eat?
- It is of major importance and it does impact my performance.  I won't get to where I want to be without proper nutrition.  It is super important to me right now because I remember how I felt before CrossFit.  I can feel changes with the right nutrition.
What does your nutrition consist of?  Is it Zone, Paleo, both or other?
- Right now, I'm Paleo.  Thinking about weighing and measuring Paleo in the near future.
Who is the person you look for on the whiteboard or that you consider to be your best competition?
- I don't really see it as a competition with him, but I look up to Aaron Powell.  We have that Marine connection and he has really helped me as a mentor, coaching tips and cues.


  1. ryan w.

    congrats joey!!!

  2. You Rock Joey!! Its been great to watch your progress! You are most definetley one of the most positive upbeat members!! Congrats, Karen

  3. Joey

    The day you came in for your Intro, we made a deal to figure out the answers of how to implement changes in your life. LOOK at what you've done! I am so proud to have you as a member of the Hot Box, you represent everything we are about. I hope you are very proud of your accomplishments, as I'm sure you are.

    Congrats to you!

  4. Thanks guys I'm proud to be a member at CFJax. I've met some really great people and Meghan, Chris, Steve, and John you guys are awesome! Joey
