Tuesday, September 28, 2010


handstand holds
ring dip holds
push up planche holds (top of push up)
20sec holds/10sec rest for 3 rounds

shoulder press
-line of action: vertical bar path/head accommodates bar
-full extension w/ active shoulders

21-15-9 for time of:
95/65 shoulder press
strict pull ups


  1. Wisconsin Rapids ~

    JB (commonly refered to as El Tigre')
    6'1-205 as RX = 9:30

    TB ~ 5'10-185 as RX = 9:05

    Britt ~ 6'0-155 75# Sh Press = 13:10

    Feidt ~ 6'0-215 Assisted Pull Ups = 12:34

    Great Workout...
    We could not believe how quickly we fatigued on the strict work...

    Any suggestions for Workout Days (we are all teachers at the High School)? We use to go M, T, W...F, Sat w/ Thur/Sun as rest days...Last couple of weeks we have gone M-F w/ Sat/Sun rest. Is there a difference? Just follow your site or should we be taking a day off somewhere in middle?

  2. another good fabrication. I liked this one alot.

    lisa.11:18 mod 45# bar/aas. pu's
    jean.12:00 rx.
    reid.9:36 rx.
    bou.8:04 rx.
    rob. 7:45 rx

    After a pause we did:
    10 hp snatches 40kg
    30 push ups/hands off the ground btw each rep.
    30 full kbs with 24kg

    lisa.17:00 mod bar/16kg kb
    jean. 18:01 rx.
    reid. 12:01 rx.
    bou. 8:21 rx.
    rob. 9:25 rx.

    Yesterdays: Box Squats and DLs
    CFJax wod: Tab squat cleans with 3 min emom:
    susi. (wife) 34 reps rx./ part 2 4:45
    lisa. 27 reps. rx. / part 2 5:28
    reid.30 reps. rx. /Part 2 ?
    rob box squats and dls speed work - ran out of time. Had to prepare for the evening classes.

  3. I think the name of this workout was mistyped...It's missing the o. FRoWN, which is what I did when I saw it :(

  4. frown is right. this was tough.

    mego / bw 149 ... wtf paleo ... / 65# & blue band for strict pull ups. fml.


  5. WR-

    when it comes to a workout schedule, having a regimented routine is convenient and ideal. from days of the week to the time of day, you can schedule it depending upon the availability and 'squeezing it in' during a busy workday.

    having said that, routine is definitely against one of the three main definitions of CrossFit - constantly varied.

    not only do you want to change up when you workout, but the environment and atmosphere as well. you can even go as far as the type of clothes you are wearing, the music that is playing (or none at all), the temperature of the room you're working out in, etc.

    but the important thing to pay attention to is how your body feels. if you are on a 3 on-1 off program (workout 3 days in a row, rest the 4th day), listen to how your body feels. if you're really banged up and sore, didn't get enough rest/sleep the night before, sick and the like, then take it easy and rest it up. going into a workout when you're sore as all hell isn't smart and probably is already a sign of over-training and under-recovery. it will just lead up to worse conditions and you'll be frustrated with your performance.

    workout when you feel good - rest when you're body is telling you to, but always eat clean & healthy!

  6. Rx. 6:05, nice push Rob to come in one second faster.

    Skill focus: 15 min emom of one 185# squat c&j. No missed reps, I must fix this discrepancy in the next 10 days.
