Thursday, September 16, 2010


warm up
mountain climbers x 20 (each leg)
jumping pull ups x 20
box jumps x 20
jumping ring dips x 20

sledgehammer strikes on tire
turkish get up

400m kettlebell carry/run @ 32kg/24kg (one kb)
80 walking lunges (40 each leg)
40 jumping pull ups
20 calories on rower
10 turkish get ups @ 32kg/24kg (5 each arm)
20 sledgehammer strikes
40 wall ball shots @ 20#/12#
80 double unders
400m run


  1. 20:22 - Mod wall ball due to injury

  2. Rx - 26:something... this was such a fun wod. I absolutely LOVED the sledgehammer swings.

  3. i did not do this wod to protest the elimination of open gym thursday. thursdays, where i nearly learned how to do cleans and snatches. i also learned from Russ the key to it all is the air squat. thanks for all the individual coaching on those days.
    OGT, was a great concept and i thought a good compromise would have been to have a wod for those that wanted one and some individual instruction for those that wanted it. not many showed up anyway, although some of us were hardcore OGT.

    long live open gym thursday. and free OGT.

  4. rx. 18:39

    I dragged something through this one and I think I stepped on it.

  5. Julianne - mod the double unders - need to remember my jump rope next time. 28 something?? Heather - i liked them too -with the lighter hammer :)
