Tuesday, August 17, 2010


double unders
-emom for 5mins x 30

weighted pull ups 5 x 1

50 double unders

compare to 02AUG10


  1. from your loyal fans across the pond, "Thanx!"

    lisa. rx. 13:56
    shorty.rx.8:51 then did 5x5 front squats
    bou.rx.6:49. then did back squats
    jean rx.11:12
    rob. rx. 7:39 did a 3.5km run to get my butt warm.

  2. as usual lately. i knew i forgot something.
    for one rep max pull up
    lisa. worked on pull ups.
    shorty. 46kg
    jean. 51kg
    bou. 58kg
    rob. 61kg

  3. caleb.bw161.rx.90#/10:41

    2for1's were interesting...I definitely could see how a movement like this employs some of the same techniques used in a snatch or squat clean…you have to come to full extension and then be able to drop quickly under the bar…I hope these stay in the cf repertoire unlike the 10ft walk jumps, which I will never be able to do…I mean if we didn’t have wallballs you couldn’t even call what we do crossfit…or could you?

  4. weighted pullup - 30#
    rx - 10:47

    thanks to caleb and steve for the push!

  5. wow Katie!!!..thats good stuff...im waiting any day for you to get that MU.....ryan w.

  6. rx. 90#/ 10:51

    The double under saga continues.

  7. Chrissy- gonna make this up on Thurs if anyone wants to join. I don't know what a 10ft walk jump is, but it sounds amazing since it basically just sounds like one of my steps.

  8. Lynne -
    FINALLY it has happened...a pull up for the 1st time in my entire life...as in not even as a kid in gym class so that was pretty huge! Then did 11 lbs weighted..doubled to 22 and was just short of the bar so ended with 16lb weighted vest for my weighted pullup - YAY no more bands!!

    10lb wall ball - 15:45

  9. weighted pu- 100# rx 11:47

    Congratulations Lynne on your first unassisted pull up! Keep up your hard work and you will continue to achieve many things that you never thought you would be able to. Knew you were gonna come off those bands soon-
