Tuesday, August 3, 2010


clean & jerk
-work for form and technique
-concentrate on split jerk
-focus on speed during 2nd & 3rd pulls as well as hip speed on jerk

Dutton Island Park run for time

compare to 21APR10


  1. we all Ran about 5km today then finished up with a barbell complex.(not for time though.)
    BB Complex was 4rds x 5 reps. 1 rep= (Squat Clean,fs,pp,bs,pp and ohs) weight going up ea. round.
    bou finished with 70kg
    shorty 55kg.
    lisa barbell
    rob finished with 70kg. Was really rough.

    then I ran 3.5km with the next group.

    How long is ya'lls run?

  2. we extended the run past where we used to turn-around. it is now approximately 3.1 miles or a true 5K.

  3. Aaron P. I GPSed the run and it was 2.94 to the end of the dock on the left and back. It was 2.48 to the gravel and back. I ran a sorry 28:12 legs and back are very sore.

  4. rowed 5k 19:10. the heat like to got me.

  5. time 48.18 yes I am slow but that's ok because I ran farther than ive ever ran before... I'm happy cause a year ago I couldn't even run 400m without sucking wind. Now I can do a 5k at a nice pace and not suck wind at all! I'm very happy with today and the outcome

  6. great job Laurie!!!!..ryan w.

  7. Yes Laurie I remember when you would sub a run for this or that now look at you

  8. Chrissy
    I was tricked when a certain long haired southsider came off of the wrong trail & I followed. Time was 27:28, so I'm guessing we went maybe a little farther based on my pace. I normally try to hold sub 9 when running hard & i felt better than last time, which wa low 26. Maybe next time I'll go the correct way.

  9. Travis G aka "cookie monster" ran the prescribed route that Jon laid out for us at 22:25. So after getting my fat a*s whipped good by Southside dude I hereby officially renounce cookies, beer and pizza. After getting my butt whipped I thought maybe something was off so I ran again with the 6:30 group only to have one of them Caywood's run me into the ground. Today is starts!

  10. 19:43. Did a version of the Dutton Island run, lets call it the SS version. Unknown distance, feels good to be back at it! Thanks for being a killer host as always CFJAX!!!

  11. Travis G, never ever renounce beer. Its just not american.

  12. Ran the Dutton Island 5k on Monday night, after the CFT...soo I opted for 1 mile with Sophia in the baby jogger. Seriously? Who decided these things were practical? Never again.

