Thursday, July 29, 2010


We have three fitness standards in CrossFit and we utilize them to define what we do. It is a clear distinction of what we are not when compared to other fitness programs. To the uninformed, 'functional fitness' can easily be confused with what the local-everyday-run of the mill gym does on a daily basis or what they are currently advertising in this month's membership special. Even hybrid strength & conditioning programs that look eerily familiar to CrossFit that claim to be 'bigger, better, faster' or with a more exclusive updated format of the former, are still performing 'constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity'. What most of these hybrid programs lack is a definition and goal/mission statement of what they are seeking and what they are after. Without it, one is merely doing a hodge-podge of great workouts that cater to one's strengths and ignores one's weaknesses.

The first fitness standard that which we define CrossFit is the 10 general physical skills. These 10 components were grouped and organized in this particular order by Jim Cawley & Bruce Evans of Dynamax (thank them for your love of wall ball shots). With this list, you are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills. A program that develops and increases your abilities across all 10 is a regimen that develops 'fitness', at least by our definition of it. The 10 skills are:
  1. Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance - the ability of body systems to gather, process and deliver oxygen.
  2. Stamina - the ability of body systems to process, deliver, store and utilize energy.
  3. Strength - the ability of muscular units to apply force.
  4. Flexibility - the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
  5. Power - the ability of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
  6. Speed - the ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
  7. Coordination - the ability to combine several dinstinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
  8. Agility - the ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
  9. Balance - the ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base.
  10. Accuracy - the ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.
Furthermore, we clarify the distinction between training & practice. We define training as activities that improve your performance through a measurable organic change within your body. Improving your endurance, stamina, strength and flexibility is done through training. Practice refers to activities that improve your performance through neurological changes; those not seen by the naked eye i.e. coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. Power and speed are adaptations from both training and practice.

No matter how long you have been working out and/or playing sports, you will have weaknesses from this list. The idea behind CrossFit is to improve upon those weaknesses so that we can be overall balanced. Our goal is to increase our capacity in each of these skills. It is very broad, as it should be, since we do not specialize in one aspect of these components. We do not exclude anything nor do we exclude anyone. Regardless of your fitness level, you need to be competent in each of these 10 skills whether you are an athlete, housewife, grandparent, soldier, adolescent and/or if you have an injury or a handicap.

CFJAX member, Will Cannon, a Navy Officer currently on deployment, receives his 1st place award at the multi-Navy Olympiad held between France, Oman and the U.S. Will represented the U.S. Navy and came in 1st place on the 200m freestyle as well as the 50m freestyle swims. Bravo Zulu & a job well done, Mr Cannon. CFJAX looks forward to seeing you in the next couple of weeks!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Medicinal Value"

    400m uneven farmers carry 53#/70#
    21 HPC to overhead
    9 rope climbs
    15 HPC to overhead
    6 rope climbs
    9 HPC to overhead
    3 rope climbs
    400m uneven farmers carry 53#/70#

    rx. 20:13

    J. Clare made her inaugural debut in what she refers to as the hotbox. Her competitive spirit rivaled that of a woman on a mission. Mod. HPC/ 25#'s and rope climb reps were 3,2,1...25:53

  3. Chrissy-
    Jamie did fab!! Wish I was there at 430, b/c that wod looked fun!

    Came in today to hit 1:45 on my row, exploded around 350m. Final time- 1:49

    Thanks for the MU help Steve, Russ, & Caleb. Gonna get it!

  4. caleb.rx."Medicinal Value". 32:15
    a good wod to wear a new FML shirt
