Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know you-
I know you're bigger, faster and stronger than me.
I know your Fran time is lower, your 5k is quicker and your deadlift is heavier.
I know you have 1,000 views on YouTube.
I know you're a "WOD" warrior.

I know you, but you don't know me.

You don't know what's in my head, what's in my heart, what's in my soul.
You don't know that pain is my ally.
You don't know that sweat and blood are my training partners.
You don't know that I'm unbreakable.

I know you train in your temperature controlled gym with the tough sounding name while I'm training in garage exposed to the elements. In the heat and in the cold, in the humidity, rain and snow, I'm forging mental toughness. I'm tempering my resolve. I'm fueling my passion. I'm getting ready for the day that we meet.

I know your 1,000 YouTube views won't mean shit in front of 1,000 spectators. I know when the heat goes up I go big and you go home.

I know you don't know me...but you will. - Dave X


  1. Results of PETER PARKER WOD with vest

    Got up and across pilots ladder pretty quickly, dropped an started burpees this became very uncomfortable in no time, got 40 burpees right at 4 min mark. Feeling rough.
    3min rest
    4 & 2/3 rds in 8 min
    2 rope climbs
    10 rope slams
    2 muscle ups this was my first stab at doing these with added weight.
    3 min rest
    Get this freaking vest off me
    One round of 15 each movement with #135 took longer than it should have.
    Not sure if this was a productive workout, but I will tell you this it was no walk in the park.
    Thanks Hidi

  2. Made up Tuesday's Dianeish...10:53rx. bodyweight is very high right now @217, gotta get this cheesecake thing under control

  3. Tackled Peter Parker today rx. less the vest as I deemed it unnecessary following a twelve hour day in the blistering Florida sun playing fireman. I have found myself looking forward to Cav's Thursday concoctions and I assure you they don't disappoint.

    Round 1: 50 burpees... motor's running good.
    Round 2: 7 rounds... the concern begins to build.
    Round 3: 6:55... I employed a tactic that I usually don't use and that was the hook grip. After two missed squat cleans from a bar that was coated in oatmeal, I had no other choice. Who knew, that shit works!!!

  4. I am getting ansie...
