Monday, June 28, 2010


5 years ago today, on June 28 2005, the Naval Special Warfare community suffered the most combat casualties in one mission since World War II. the Army also sacrificed 8 of their finest Special Operation Aviation Regiment soldiers (Night Stalkers) during the rescue mission.

in honor of our nation's finest, CrossFit has named several 'Hero' WODs in their memory. this week, CFJAX will pay tribute to these men. today, we are honored to program the Hero WOD, Murph, in memory of LT Michael P. Murphy, who was posthomously awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions that transpired during Operation Red Wings.

for more info regarding this mission, click here.

1 mile run
pull ups x 100
push ups x 200
air squats x 300
1 mile run
20# vest is optional
In memory of LT(SEAL) Michael Murphy, USN, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.


  1. This is gonna be good. -Doos

  2. ryan 20#vest

    alarm went off at 5:am..went and reached for my phone.could harldly see..i was still half asleep....with one eye barley open..the light of my phone lit up the whole room...and there it was "MURPH"....i fought with myself for about 15 minutes..."do i go?..or stay in the warm bed?"....i went..and got my a$$ handed to me for the forth time.....thx coach hill for the time was 1:15....i know pretty crappy time....bbut i pushed through and didn't mod...

  3. caleb.rx.47:12

    todays weather in Kandahar, Afghanistan
    105 °F

  4. reid.rx with 25# vest: 46:08(First time doing murph)

    lisa.mod pull ups with band. First Murph as well) 1:04 Didn't quit!
    rob inflamed hip joint (since wed.) will have to make this up.

    Keep up the good work CFJax.

  5. karen..cant count..1 mile run 20 rds 10 pull ups, 15 push ups, and 20 air squats.and 1 mile run..umm 200 pull ups, 300 push ups and 400 air squats.only 100 each more than required..idk..its been a long day....51:59 !!

  6. Rx. w/vest 38:28 pr.

    This sucked 100 times worse than it did back in April, I guess the heat was a factor. Karen, you're a strong woman, I can't even comprehend what that must have felt like because I know what 100-200-300 felt like and you even managed a respectable time in lieu of the extra reps.

  7. Chrissy 148bw, mod w/ bands & lady pushups. 47:18.. Murph is a beast! Karen, you are the WOMAN! If I had to do 1 more squat, I was going to cut my legs off. Props to the guys in vests, BAMF

  8. I think Im glad Im on vacation:) but another side wishes I was suffering with the CF Jax Crew:) I want to come in next week!! Thanks for all the support. Ben,CFSS

  9. First time doing Murph in the body armor. Got my ass kicked. Again. Rx+. I'm gonna miss this gym and our community, ya'll are awesome.(Humbled) 51:28

  10. Operation Red Wing

    Not Red "Wings" like the NHL team. Just an observation, not a slam.

  11. anonymous-
    thx for taking the time to visit our blog and post a comment.

    i appreciate your respectful observation, however, you are incorrect.

    take it from someone who was there.

    i was there for the search & recovery mission of Operation Red Wings, and yes, it was named after the NHL hockey team.

    just the facts, not an observation.
