Tuesday, June 8, 2010


warm up
250m row
400m run

burgener x 10

deadlift @ 85% 1RM
3 x 5

500m row
clapping push ups x 50
400m uneven farmer carry (32kg & 24kg men / 24kg & 16kg women)
c2b pull ups x 50
20#/14# wall ball shots x 50
400m overhead carry @ 45#
ring dips x 50
500m row


  1. Great butt kicker today. We did 50 sdlhp w/40kg instead of 500m row.

    shorty. 35:13
    hayko.35:50 mod. 30kg for the sdlhp
    reid. 34:26. 30kg for the sdlhp
    Lisa. 35 min time limit. Good way to fight through it! Modified sdlhp,ring dips and pull ups.
    rob.33:40 used 40kg for the sdlhp.

  2. POST FIDEL 41:43
    Mod: pledge push ups, 2 pood & 1.5 farmers carry.

    I don't care if I fall as long as someone picks up my gun and keeps shooting.

    Che Guevara
    14 Jun 1928 - 09 Oct 1967

  3. harry
    250# DL's
    34:14 mod pullups/dips/16#ballshots
    the big KB was a nightmare.
    some lady walking down the street was laughing at me and Kyle w/ the bar overhead. suffering.
    even my feet hurt now.
    last 500m row was a 2:10
    nice wod.

  4. first day back in 2 weeks... did a mod on Fidel finished with 34.31! I'm back to being in love with life!
