Wednesday, June 9, 2010


warm up
tae bo for 5mins


5mins worth of:

shoulder press @ 80% 1RM
-shoulder press x 3
-push press x 6
-push jerk x 9
3 rounds w/ 2min rest between

clean 7500#/5000# for time
-choose load and accumulate reps to reach men's 7500# or women's 5000#
-use any variation of the clean
-scale load accordingly depending on level/experience
-round up to find total reps
-for example, @ 135# you would need to perform 56 reps to reach 7500#

post load & time to comments


  1. Did Fidel this morning @ golds gym Ft. Walton Beach...31:40. Gonna do Broken Record later today.

  2. reid.4:42min w/40kg = 88lbs/ 85 reps
    lisa. 12:13min w/25kg and 91 reps
    kiwi. 3:07min w/50kg and 68 reps After doing 7 rounds of 7 push press 70Kg(155lbs) and 14 push ups -->7:49min.
    rob.4:55min w/135lbs 56 reps.

  3. caleb.rx.6:19 @ 135
    i could def feel the reminats of fidel

  4. ryan w.rx.10:?? @ 135

  5. You want answers?
    I want the truth.
    You cant handle the truth sun. We use words like honor, code, loyalty... we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of freedom I provide. Then questions the manner in which I provide it.
    Did you order the code red?
    I did the job you sent me to do.
    Did you order the code red?
    Your goddamn right I did!!!

    #125 60 reps 5:43

  6. harry 135# 8:40
    i try so hard yet suck so bad at cleans. one day i was at baileys doing my clean w/o. 135# 10 sets of 10. this was 10-12 years ago. some old man asked me "what are you doing" i told him cleans. he said there is a lift called a clean, but you aint doing it. to myself i told him to go f off. based on the last 1 1/2 years i guess he was right. cant shake the bad habits.

  7. Strategy was to find a load that would identify any imperfections in form as well as allow me to move efficiently throughout the entire workout.

    rx. @ 155# 3:53

    Mission accomplished.

  8. 116bw. Thought this would be an excellent time to work on my squat cleans(1RM-90#)...could have laid-up and just done hang power cleans, but what sort of enjoyment is that? 22:27, 100 reps (30@35#, 26@45#, 20@55#, 14@65#, 8@75#, 2@85#)
