Friday, May 7, 2010


warm up
1000m row

knees to elbows
-scaled versions (knee raises/knees 2 chest/knees 2 armpits)
kb swings
-half (russian)
-full (american)
-one armed alternating w/ switch

box jumps x 50
jumping pull ups x 50*
16kg full kb swings x 50
walking lunges x 50
knees to elbows x 50
45# push press x 50
hip extensions x 50
20# wall ball shots x 50
burpees x 50
double unders x 50

*proper height of bar is wrists touching bar when arms are extended overhead & standing at full extension

this is CrossFit's rx version. the past 3 times we have performed this WOD, we used 24kg kettlebells. in order for our athletes to compare our output to the rest of the community, we will utilize the 16kg as rx.

post time to comments


  1. Kyle R. 180bw. rx. 29:10pr

    Damn what a difference a year makes, PR by 5 minutes.

  2. The learning curve, revisited.

    Todays wod smashed me, why did I run out of fuel? Plenty of rest check, strict zone diet check. 3 on 1 off dialed in. Here is where I think I veered off the path. The past few months I have been working on getting stronger. The goal keep going heavy. This is a steep and slippery slope for me. Must remain injury free. After regaining my composure from the horizonal position in the driveway it hit me. The moment of clarity. The reason I was smoked was I had not done a wod longer than 20 minutes in months.
    Keeping your proficiency in all areas of crossfit is no small order.

    Back on the horse at 09:00

  3. Harry 33:50 (i think) mod - SU

    the humanity

  4. 33:50 (i think) mod SU

    the humanity


  5. Steve C. rx. 22:26 pr.

    Haven't visited this one for over 14 months but the result was sweet, a pr by almost 5 min.

  6. caleb.rx.20:23

  7. 117bw, 34:15-mod DU (4xsingles)...just can't do them. For some reason, I can not jump and spin my wrists really fast at the same time. I can do one or the other...just not both :-(
