Tuesday, May 18, 2010


warm up
mash up:
double unders
abmat sit-ups

pvc romanian deadlift x 10
pvc good mornings x 10
45# romanian deadlift x 5
45# good mornings x 5

deadlift @ 75% 1RM x 3
-emom for 8mins
-do not 'speed' through the 3 reps
-bouncing off ground is not allowed; 1sec pause @ set up w/ no re-grip
-maintain lumbar curve/weight in heels/hamstring tension

50-40-30-20-10 for time of:
double unders
sit ups


  1. rob. rx 5:03 Better then I thought. PR!
    Jean was my witness.

  2. did Annie for the 1st time on 11.2.09 @ 15.28, and today 5.18.10 @ 12.01 - pretty good :)

    Thanks for the umph everyone, I REALLY appreciate it like no other!

  3. Annie
    9/11/09 =7:12
    5/18/10 =6:46

  4. rx. 6:49

    First attempt at this girl and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with my known dysfunctional abilities at d/u's. The best way to describe our relationship would be that of one that seeks the courtship of another but they deny the any effort towards their love, much the way Jamie pursued me for the longest time and after time I finally gave in. D/u's have eluded me for the over a year but I now feel I can remove them from my weakness category and place them in the can do column. They still remain a long way off from being efficient but it's a work in progress.

  5. caleb rx. 5:44
