Tuesday, April 20, 2010


warm up
tabata mash up:
push ups
mountain climbers

press progression w/ pvc

shoulder press 5 x 1

3min rest

30secs on / 1min off x 2 for max reps:
-65# thrusters
-rope slams*
-20" box jumps
you must perform the 2 intervals at each movement before moving to next movement. utilize a running clock; in its entirety, this is 9mins in length.

*ROM is full extension of hips/knees with arms overhead, coming down into a partial squat as you slam the rope (each 'wave' created by slam must reach post)

post heaviest press load & reps from each movment to comments


  1. reid: 135#, 143 reps
    bou: 170. 159 reps
    rob: 180. 146 reps

  2. harry 120 96 reps

    as for the new erg. this is a museum piece, that has a special feature. once it has a monitor and a new shock cord (BTW the other ergs shock cords are better taken care of by not using the hook, but by letting the handle rest against the cage) i think you all will be amazed at the effort required. that old erg has two (15 & 13) sprockets. the small one is a bear. i cant wait. it is at least ('86-'93) 17 years old.

  3. Steve C. 140#

    This lift baffles me, it literally has not changed by more than 5#'s since I began in Jan '09. Every other overhead lift has shown significant improvement so the only thing I can surmise is that I am not training that short gap between the rack and the top of the head enough, hence a problem with hspu's.

    Training: 100%
    Diet: 95%
    Rest: 95%
    Attitude: coachable

    The formula seems to be intact so what to do? See you tomorrow.

    Part 2, rx. 16/17 36/40 25/25= 159 total

  4. 39y/198bw
    Wasn't feeling this one as my legs have been ignored.

    Ran 3 miles (am) then did a made-up pm WOD:

    5 OHS @ 95#
    10 box jumps @ 24"
    15 wall ball @ 20#
    20 walking lunges w/ 20# dumbells


  5. Funniest Picture EVER!!! haha

  6. is that you caleb? what was your 1rm?

  7. yep thats me.155#. i made that face to scare the bar into the locked overhead position...thanks meg...

  8. mmmm yes sir, you're welcome caleb. for those of you who weren't here, we had a great laugh at the picture BUT the effort was incredible. nice work bud.

    mego / bw156

    80# / 32-50-39 = 121

    i started too heavy on the press. my pre baby 1RM was 100# and i haven't attempted since. my first attempt was one great huge effort at 85# and it honestly took everything out of me. 2nd attempt, 80# went up like a hot air balloon, smooooothe. after that i had the pleasure of failing at 85# 3 more times. i say it all the time, the failed attempt take more effort and energy than the achievements by a million %.

    im with you steve. what gives?

  9. i think the reason improvement is so elusive with the shoulder press is due to the fact that in relation to other overhead movements there is far less technique involved. it's not a pretty or graceful movement with a significant learning curve like the clean and jerk or snatch. it's pretty simple, either you can or can not move the load. it's simply a matter of brute strength. after a 5 minute introduction there is no more to be learned and from there things are pretty black and white. that inherent, and often brutal, honesty makes the lift rank pretty low on the excite-o-meter for the programmer or recipient. it's also not something that flows real well within efforts that are based on going "for time" and for that reason we see the push press implemented 10-1. so what you've got is a very simple test of strength that is pretty much neglected across the board.
