Monday, April 19, 2010


warm up
800m run

pvc good mornings x 10
abmat sit ups x 20
pvc thrusters x 10
box jumps x 20

power clean
-jump & land
-fast elbows
-stick the landing and stand to full extension

amrap in 3mins of:
*135# power clean x 3
push ups x 6
air squats x 9

1min rest

repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

*for the power clean rep to count, you must come to full extension when receiving the bar in the rack position WITH your elbows in front of the bar. once this position has been reached, you may then lower the bar to repeat. if you lower the bar as you come to full extension, the rep does not count.

compare to 19SEP09
post total work to comments.


  1. even though those 28 reps don't count, Meg :)

  2. 115#. 10 rounds.

  3. mego bw156

    115# / 12 completed rounds with manyMANYmany failed attempts at power cleans. i had to take a 400m cooldown to get my frustrations in check. form is everything & frustration is limiting.

  4. rob.190bw. rx. 28 rounds: 6-5-7-5-5. + ? reps
    reid. 165bw. rx. 21 rounds. good job bro!
    bou. he's doing it now. will post later tonight.

  5. Bou bw177: 6/6/5/5/5 =27rx

  6. 39y/198bw
    Rx. - 24 rounds...

  7. caleb.rx'd.26rnds
    the new sound system is bang' = motivation

  8. I don't want to go back to the chiefs office... he make's me sad :o( ... its ok though I did better than I thought I would have done... 75# 10 rounds

  9. Dustin rx'd 16rnds. This one was a balancing act. Found that in the first two intervals I was getting 3/4 through my last round when the clock ran out so that was wasted effort. I ended up just pacing myself for the last 3 intervals.

    I will say there is no such thing as wasted effort and score isn't everything however in the heat of it all its difficult to acknowledge that.

  10. Chrissy bw152, #95, 14 & a half reps. My man hands ripped open.. shoulda made 15 rounds, but I had to pout for at least 15/20 wasted seconds.

  11. Most chiefs or ex chiefs would not attempt this.
    My knees this my back that, doc says go for a walk or use the stepper. Why take the escalator when you can sprint up those stairs 3 at a time. Lead by example, lead from the front, go first. I'm no celebrity with rock star statis but I do remember one thing from those days so long ago. NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM.
    In Sep of 09 I got 19 rds
    Today I got 21 rds.
    39 days till the masters
    Zach if your out thier in cyber space I'm ready for the rematch.

  12. Steve C. rx. 28rnds pr

    pr days are finally back. Smoked my Sept. score by 2 rnds.

  13. 115# 15 rounds

  14. Brannon. rx. 15 rounds
    First time I've attempted this Wod and looking forward to the rematch. I was 3/4 the way to completing 4 rounds on my first two intervals and look to improve the second go-around.

  15. 114

    shoulders still extremely wicked terrible sore from Friday... Don't judge!
    Did Cindy instead but subbed 10pushups for 5HSPUs using only one abmat this time.
    14 rounds in 20 min.

  16. Deb bw 115, 75# 20rnds+8reps
    Cliff bw 168, rx'd 19rnds+9reps
