Wednesday, April 21, 2010


warm up
handstand work
rope climb review

3 rounds of:
-hspu x 5
-ghd hip extensions x 5
-ghd sit jups x 5

rope climbs x 10 for completion

run from CFJAX to Dutton Island Park & back

compare to 10SEP09


  1. mego / bw 156 / 37 mins

    ran at home today. charted a course of 3+ miles. i can't wait to get a running stoller so i can take my bebe. in any event...

    i always see people running during the hottest times of the afternoon and think they're so stupid for not running when its cooler. but as ive learned in the last 7 months, you do what you can when you have time. so today it was me, running at 130 pm, hot as blazes and cursing out loud at the construction trucks honking as they drove by. what are we, in 7th grade? ;) i had to stop twice for a min each time to walk. i know turbo, i should just go ahead and pull the trigger.

    running is my nemesis. i want to so badly to get better at it. not turbo style (kohl i'll leave that up to you) but mego style. good, even pretty good, would suffice for me. not sure if you guys know this, but in order achieve you have to do. who knew? so on my newest goal sheet i have bumped running up quite a bit. i would like to do the rock n roll 1/2 marathon in virginia beach in sept. goals ... you've gotta have them.

  2. Good for you Meg !! running is a stress reliever and MY think it out..I think its good to do a long even slow,steady (cause thats me) workout...I run every morning with my yellow pup...and longer on Tues and Thurs when I cant make it to cfjax!...1/2 marathon in Sept..will be NO problem for you !
    I think I will stay home today and lift..Go Meg.

  3. 39y/198bw

    Dutton Island is a bit far away for me.
    Did 30 MU's for time and PR'd by over 3 min!!!
    9:01 (Steve, the first time we did this WOD together you scored a 9:13, what are you at now?)

    MEGs, check play-it-again sports for great deals on used joggers if you dont feel like getting gouged on a new one... Otherwise, this one is one of the best there is, and converts to a bike trailer as well...

  4. Went to Hidden Cove and back - 23.53

    Ok so I absolutely hate running and the first time I ran any distance in CF I got to Edgar and George and went ka-put. This time I believe I got all the way to Mealy St before I needed to stop, and Cassie left me in the dust. That's ok though because I learned a few things about this run today...

    1. I didnt let it defeat me before I even started.

    2. I ran A LOT farther that I did the first time. (VERY proud of myself for this)

    3. Next time I do a longer run than 800m I will be wearing my ankle brace. I was a little over zealous.

    I am very proud of myself because for someone who hates running and has never been good at it I REALLY feel like I succeeded, even though it wasn't all the way. Next time though, it's on! I am going to make it to the end and my ankle isn't going to give me problems. On the other hand I am a little upset that I didn't go farther because of this problem but I have to know my limits and the amount of work my joint and muscle are going to give me.

    You haven't seen the last of me DUTTON ISLAND! I feel in the near future you WILL be conquered!

  5. Pete, 7:06 as of 12/17/09...keep it comin brother and I'll try to keep up.

  6. turbo. rx. 18:26

    I was not timed with an electronic chip... So, I'm not sure it's accurate!

  7. caleb.bw165
    AM: dutton island run 17:51 (turned around at the gravel)
    PM: Alpha benchmark. 12rnds

  8. 22:04 (turned around at the gravel)

    sprinted the last 400 m. dry heaved in the driveway for about 30 seconds after that. felt good.

  9. Brannon. bwt185 24:54
    I didn't see any gravel but I ran to the dock by the back of the gazebo...I figured that was the furthest I could go without being in the water.
    I am definitely bringing my watch next time to monitor my pace.
    Laurie, great job in pushing yourself...running is as mental as it is physical.
