Thursday, April 22, 2010


lengthy post but worth the read. if you think its too long to read once you click on it, then you have no desire or interest to better yourself as an athlete and/or coach. learn something worthwhile for a change and read something to give your brain a WOD. put the US Weekly down, grab the remote and put So You Think You Can Dance on pause, take a sec away from Facebook and from reading other's lives and improve your own.

what you read, watch and do regarding what it is you say you are passionate about just might do you some good. but don't talk the talk and not walk the walk. there is more to what it is we do than just working out and eating right. we have to know the ins and outs of it. its paramount in order to have a clue about what you say you're 'passionate' about.

on that note, define passion and ask yourself if it applies to you and improving yourself.


  1. Define Passion: Kaylee Lynn Pass :)

  2. congrats need to program a tribute wod for your daughter!!

  3. Steve C. "Chip Away"

    24kg kbs (american) x 50
    pull-ups x 45
    25" box jumps x 40
    push-ups x 35
    abmat sit-ups x 30
    ring dips x 25
    burpees x 20
    muscle ups x 15...rx. 19:53

    I was holding the rings at right round 11 min. and proceeded to waste approximately 8+ min to get 15 mu's, this was definitely a time factor for this wod.

  4. shoulder press 1rm

    clint. 177bw. 167lbs
    (don't have any 10's at home so a pair of weider 11's had to work)

    had been wanting to test my shoulder press 1rm for a while now and tuesday's results and posts put me over the edge. it was time. last summer on 6.3.09 i did 165lbs and then two months later in august hurt my shoulder during some ohs. a week later i literally couldn't lift the bar overhead (anyhow) without enough excruciating pain to stop me. 4 months later on 12.12.09 i was making progress and feeling a little better so i decided to test my 1rm again and barely got 115 before failing miserably at 135. today's result is a welcome sign of healing and progress.

  5. rowed 40 minutes. had to beak it up at the end.


  6. karen...ran 2.5 with yellow pup in the am and 5 by myself in the pm....
