Friday, April 23, 2010


warm up
pvc burgener 3 x 10

front squat
-rack position
-elbows high throughout ROM

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time of:
135# hang power clean
135# push press
135# front squat

looks like 10 cleans, 10 presses, 10 squats then 9 cleans, 9 presses, 9 squats then 8 ... and so on.

compare to 30NOV08

post time to comments


  1. 3 Minute legs
    Another product marketed towards the individual
    who wants the results now without the required effort and time.

    Todays WOD
    Bw 160
    Comments S.O.B.

  2. I believe in what (!) has said, but then I look across the box and see green and blue bands hanging from the pullup bars. Everybody's starting point is not the same and using assistance can be abused, but it is as necessary to achieve results as adding weight to a workout. We (The Shop) have a tendency to run people off by throwing too much too fast at them becasue we can. We are not relying on someones cash to pay our bills for next month. And crossfit, or the workouts we choose to do, might not be for everyone or may not be the prescription for them right now. However, if they stick with it and choose their level of intensity we don't lock the door on them. In the same manner, if tons of fun wants to buy one of those and work it everyday, then more power to her/him. If it sits in a corner collecting dust like my ab-rocker (or roller or what ever it was called) did, then more power to the salesman and shame on the consumer in thinking fitness can be bought. It must be earned, and how far up the ladder is completely up to the chosen.

    Your WOD looks brutal. I think we will have to give it a spin sometime soon.

  3. bou.rx 17:33
    simon.rx 25:45
    rob. started the wod twice and felt a tweak in my shoulder while doing the pp's. I decided to spend time stretching and moblilizing my shoulders in preparation for this weekend. We will be doing a 5 wod senerio with the folks from Cf Ramstein and Jason Mulligen this weekend. 3 on sat. 2 on sunday. only a few more weeks till the regionals.

  4. mego / bw 156 / RX womens (75#)

    30NOV2008 16:21

    23APR2010 14:17


  5. 75#


    WODing with my sis makes me push that much harder. BRING IT.

  6. ryan w.191bw.mod @115.18:25

  7. caleb.mod(jumping push presses).17:58

  8. Trickle, 199,
    CFJAX "Barbell Complex 1" from 23APR2010
    as Rx'd, 27:26, rest exactly 5 min
    Annie, 8:32 (Total time 40:58)
    ***Video Analysis shows about 1 push press per round early on to be a little suspect/jerkish***
    (A smarter person would have scaled to 115 especially with the knowledge I had of others doing the WOD that are stronger than me. EGO is a MF'er)

  9. 115bw, 12:21 scaled to 55# should have done 65# but 65# push press felt really heavy during warmup.
