Thursday, April 15, 2010


when should you scale a WOD, if at all? as an athlete/member, what goes through your mind when you see a workout that you know you can perform RX, but at the same time will take you twice as long to perform? should you scale the workout, or is the time component irrelevant to you? what is more important - finishing the workout regardless of how long it takes you, or, scaling the workout so that you preserve the stimulus and are able to maintain a high power output (i.e. high intensity) throughout the entire WOD?

post thoughts to comments.


  1. AREA 51

    AMRAP 10 minutes

    Body weight 160
    2 bench press 1 1/4 bw = #200
    2 dead lift 1 1/2 bw = #240
    10 ghd sit ups

    9 rds

    Thanks Megan for helping me fine tune this.

  2. From Mainsite last week:
    1-10 Ladder G2OH #155 with 1 round of Cindy in between

    17:38 Rx

  3. Cav, your regional events are posted, looks like they're right up your ally... give em' hell.

  4. For me personally, I cannot recall a time when I scaled a WOD just for the sake of time. If I don't think I have the time, I'll just do the WOD another day. However, if going Rx causes your form or output to fall to crap, aren't we just wasting our time, even if our time is doubled? I have previously done WOD's that I knew I could do, but I also knew were too heavy to do well, but did them anyway for the competition or the comraderie. After nearly cutting off half of my finger back in December which resulted in a loss of both strength and endurance during the recovery, I seem to have developed clearer perspectives on WODs and my approach to them. Rather than just blindly perform WODs I know I CAN do, I also ask myself if I SHOULD do a Rx weight and risk possible injury and not being able to workout at all...
