Monday, March 1, 2010


warm up
500m row

pass thrus x 10
pvc deadlift x 10
pvc hang squat cleans x 10
pvc push press x 10
pvc push jerk x 10

rope climbing technique
-arms only
-arms & feet
-L hold climbs

400m run
clapping push ups x 20
155# deadlift x 15
155# hang squat cleans x 10
155# push press/jerk x 5
400m run
ring dips x 20
155# deadlift x 15
155# hang power clean x 10
155# thrusters x 5
400m run

post time to comments



    Next Saturday Melissa and I are having a party at our house to celebrate the arrival of our new little girl. This won't be your typical baby shower but more like just a get together.

    I sent invites out by email but I don't have everyone's email address so if you would like to come just get with me throughout the week and I will give you the info. We would love to have you all and it should be a great time.

  2. mego / bw163 / 95# mod cpu's and rd's / 21:55

    limiting factor for me : hang squat cleans! awesome barbell complex, however both rounds of hang squat cleans x 10 was suckfest. i can't wait to see how this little ditty goes down for the guys! i wanted sub 20 but the last 400m included a dagger in the rib cage. (oh, and i suck at running.)

    6 months post Sweet Sophia is creeping up, next week! Hmmmm... Is the "Sophia" WOD due a semi annual visit?!?!?!?!

  3. Pete W. 39/200bw. Active rest day for me at the station. 5000m row for time. 19:51. 1st attempt at this row.

  4. What a way to get the week started!

    we rounded the weight up to 70kg = 157.5

    bou. rx 13:02
    hayko. mod (very good form though w/40kg) 15:45
    rene'. rx 13:50
    kiwi. rx 14:18
    stefan. rx. 19:30
    rob. rx 13:35

    Building up the Fan club over here!

  5. 85# 15:20

    mod cpu and rd's

    got my very first rope climb today...thanks todd and turbo!

  6. karen

    65# 17:23 mod cpu and rd's went to 45# for thrusters....arms are shaking and twitching !
    CF Jax is great !!!

  7. Scaled way down to 115. Just over 14 min.

    Great workout.

  8. 115# 16:07

    me:you know i really hate thrusters
    Chris: that's why you need to do more of them.
    me: but i'm not very good at them
    Chris: thats why you need to do more.


    i need to work on so many things. man.

    quote for the day, just for this w/o

    The Edge... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. The others- the living- are those who pushed their luck as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between Now and Later.

  9. Kyle R. 180bw. 115#, mod ring dips.

  10. turbo. rx. 9:41

    Better call Dick and tell him Turbo's got 'em by the balls!

  11. Lisa.107bw.80# mod rd 14:46

    Dropped to 75# on thrusters.

  12. Oh Baby make it hurt so GOOD!!!!

    Did 500m row instead of running .... 19.09
    That rower makes my head hurt but I know in the end the rower and I will have a new love for each other and our relationship will grow even stronger!!

    Chris you are AWESOME! Thank you again!

  13. Dustin 171bw rx over 19min. Unacceptable. I have excuses but they are just that, excuses. so I wont mention them...

  14. Junior Varsity. 121 bwt. still striving to be like Turbo/
    mod @ 115. 14.08? Or close. Good workout Jay.

  15. caleb.rx.15:15
