Tuesday, March 30, 2010


warm up
10mins total of:
-hip flexion & extension
utilize varied movements/exercises & reps to fulfill the requirements above

3rd pull
What's the "third pull"? It's the point at which you've reached full extension of the hips, knees & ankles with your shoulder behind the bar, and you pull yourself under the bar. This occurs in both the snatch and the clean and jerk.
- stick the landing
- fast & high elbows in clean
- violent & aggressive 'pull under' with arms locked out in snatch

amrap in 4mins of the couplet:
85% of bodyweight hang power clean & press (strict press; no push or jerk) x 3
hspu x 3

immediately after the amrap, you have precisely 4mins to complete a 400m sprint with a rest period. upon completion of the sprint, you will rest for the remaining amount of time. for example: if takes you 2mins to complete the 4oom sprint, then you have 2mins to rest; if it takes 3:30 to complete the 400m, then you have 30secs to rest. don't dog the 400m sprint; maximize your rest period by going fast & hard on the sprint. after the 4min sprint/rest interval, continue immediately to the next amrap:

amrap in 4mins of the couplet:
85% bodyweight squat clean thrusters x 3
strict pull ups x 3

repeat 4min sprint/rest interval as outlined above.

amrap in 4mins of the couplet:
85% bodyweight ground to overhead x 3
strict ring dips x 3

repeat 4min sprint/rest interval as outlined above.

amrap in 4mins of the couplet:
85% bodyweight overhead squat x 3
muscle ups x 3

*in its entirety, with a continuously running clock, this workout is exactly 28mins in duration.

*if you must scale the load, use the same scaled load for the entire workout.

*if you don't have a muscle up, perform jumping muscle ups. set up the rings slightly below shoulder level; use false grip and with feet directly below rings, descend below and pull into muscle up transition to bottom of the dip and jump to full extension.


  1. @0600...I should have scaled this workout
    Bw213.Weight used181.RX.
    1,3,5,2=11 Total Rounds

  2. Very nice WOD! Will do this on thursday. Shoulders are still recuperating from the past week. Trying to make MU'S, Ring Dips, HSPU's as part of my EDD's (every day do's)

    Did Back Squats 5 x 5 while using a 4 sec. downwards mov./ Fast upward explosive movement.

    16 x walking lunges w/ 28 kg kb's for 5 sets. 2 min break in btw.

    3 x 5 weighted chin ups. 20 sec. break using 32kg.

    5 x 20 reps of kipping pull ups 2 min break btw sets.

    Last but not least. 3 sets x 25 GHD sit ups. (We bought 2 ghd while in Milan.)

    In a non crossfit friendly enviroment.
    Did 50 double unders vice runs, had enough of that____ yesterday. Not to mention everytime I come in the gym the staff needs to see my ID. Gee I miss the military, not.

  4. Kohl-219.bw-Rx Did the WOD with 185 was a big load to keep moving but was not to bad would like to do the WOD again just not the day after Kelly legs were feeling it today!

  5. Kohl-Guess it would help if I also posted the rounds! 2,3,5,1

  6. russ. 162bw. rx. 3, 5, 7, 4 = 19

  7. rob in ger- i like the slow eccentric movement. i played around with it once here in a wod, but would definitely like to entertain it more. louie simmons' work is interesting as well. you guys are doing some serious work there and the overall performance and results definitely speak for themselves. keep up the great work in germany!

    (!)- you look more like a militia/anti-christ skinhead that is on the FBI's most wanted list which is why i'm sure they are profiling you in checking for you id!

    kohl- my legs were fried chicken today as well. for today's work to be in comparison, us little guys (160# and under bodyweight) should have had weighted vests on during the bodyweight movements...but that would mean it would place all of us on common ground...F that lol

  8. turbo. 160bw. rx @ 140#. 3/7/8/5 = 23

    After this performance, you'll need Astroglide to get your head out of my ass!

  9. caleb.rx.2/5/5/3=15rnds

  10. 39/199bw - Did Kelly from yesterday. rx. 27:07
