Wednesday, March 31, 2010


warm up
tabata mash up:
-push ups
-squat thrusts

handstand work
-partner assisted & spotting (if possible; otherwise use wall)
-work for self stability and balance
-3 attempts each person for max hold without assistance

partition in any order, scheme & fashion:
3 mile run
300 double unders
3000m row

post scheme/order of events and time to comments


  1. 300DU's. 2Miles. 3KMRow.1mile. Bad Strategy, wouldn't recommend it or do it again.

  2. 1mile/row RX/300 singles- 50.04 - working on DU getting closer to have the double part clean my feet! One day it will be mine!!

  3. 4 mile run with push-ups/situps and flutter kicks in between each mile with the Unf/Ju Marine Corps Officer those boys are quick. We did sprints afterwards as well...After Kelly, and Astro legs are shot.

  4. Steve C. 200bw. rx. 43:33

    Strategy: 3000m row, then, 20 rnds. of 200m run w/ 15 d/u. This left an 800m run to finish. Strategy for my abilities w/ du's was perfect, only had about 10 or so misses and maintained my pace throughout. Deciding whether or not to expose a weakness or break it down to post a decent number was a difficult decision but I feel I made the right one with regards to this wod. Afterwards I found myself complaining about my recent 12 hr. days in bunker gear and trying to train following these days. The truth is that we are supposed to train for the unknown and unknowable and this level of fatigue is unknown to me prior to going into a workout. Instead of complaining I need to be wallowing in this time like a pig in slop as it can only make me stronger.

    On a lighter note, J. Clare performed this wod at the Lilly Rd. Crossfit location rx'd with the exception of the d/u's which were modified to 300 singles, 58:39. Lady CFJax members, beware as her presence at the gym is imminent and her drive and competitiveness is second to none.

  5. Yeah btw no real strategy just did it 1000mrow , jump rope, 400m run, 2000m row , jump rope, 400m run , jump rope 400m run, jump rope.... seemed to work out well , was having major problems with the jump rope it was more along the lines of jumping me!

  6. Kohl-219bw-rx- I did the run first then 100 DU then 2k row then 200 DU then 1k row all and all everything was good with this WOD was nice to get the lactic acid out of the legs! Great job J Clare!!!! CFJAX look out not only is she a hell of a cook but also working out could spell trouble!! I did however notice the loss of Meg and KP form todays WOD it caused me to vacume the gym out of heartbreak lol!!

  7. Momma Wallis got lost on the 3 mile run; did more like 3.5 out there. Next time will go the right way. So, did 3 mile run first, then split the jump and row, doing 3 X (200 single jumps, 1000 row). DU's are not in my coordination yet, so did 600 singles. Time was 58something, but got in more run than anyone else!

  8. Brannon. 182 bw. 53:00...Ran 3 miles then alternated 100 Du's and 1000M row until completion.

  9. Travis G 199bw 52:30 did 3rds of 100 dbl,1 mile, 1000m row. My double unders are so bad that it was taking 4-5 minutes to get through 100.

  10. Chrissy 152bw, 52:23.. 3mile run, (PR 26:01.. that run must be short, or I've gotten much faster..).. then 100 DU's, 1000 m row.. DU's hate me.. for the most part, I alternated single, double, single, double.

    This may have just been my fav workout!
