Saturday, February 27, 2010


warm up
800m run

21-15-9 of:
pvc deadlifts
pvc thrusters

1-10 ladder of:
140% bodyweight deadlifts

10-1 ladder of:
60% bodyweight thrusters
pull ups

post total time to comments

huge thanks to fred & kelly for dropping in today!


  1. All I can say is what a butt kicker that was.(and a much needed one!)

    kiwi.102kg bw. rx 25:48
    uwe. 80kg bw. rx 32:41
    rene'. 89kg bw. rx 37:47
    bou. 80kg bw. rx 20:06
    rob. 87kg bw. rx 26:12

    Words cannot describe how I (we)felt after this today!

  2. Aaron H. 155bw. did WOD at 177% (275#)Deadlifts and 75% (115#)Thrusters. 23:11.

    I want to extend my appreciation to Chris and Meg for trusting us with the programming. Programming for the masses is a definite art.

  3. caleb.bw160.225#dl/115#thrusters.19:13

  4. Steve C. 200bw. rx. 24:58, this wod was revisited from 4/6/09 when I scored a 28:14 w/ mod hspu. I think twice is enough for this one.

  5. Katy 100bw mod 20:33

    100 DL, 45# Thrusters. I had to rest a lot in this one. I should have pushed harder. Great wod though. Thanks for a great week of programming Aaron. And it was nice to meet the Austin guests Fred and Kelly! Keep it up Kelly you are 4 weeks in and killing it!

    Than did:
    4 rounds
    400 m run
    25 sit ups
    25 pullups

  6. mod. 27:30

    135# dl. 65# thrusters.

    this was exceptionally brutal! aaron-thanks for the awesome/grueling programming!

    katy max-you are my hero! i could barely walk to my car after this...way to go on the 4 rounds post-wod!

  7. Pete W. 39/200bw. modified hspu.
    First dance with the conjoined twins, outside, in the rain, 46 degrees. Total misery. 28:16

  8. Fred F. 205 & 95 lbs / modified HSPU: 24:24

    I hope I never have to do that again but in the interest of always improving I'm sure I will redo it later to track my progress. Great WOD.

    Thanks for letting us stop by. The atmosphere at your box is top notch and you obviously have some contenders in your ranks. We'll look for you guys in Aromas.
