Friday, February 26, 2010


warm up
3rnds of:
air squats x 15
pull ups x 15
back extensions x 15

ghd sit up

abmat sit ups x 50
400m run
ghd sit ups x 40
500m row
toes to bar x 30
500m row
ghd sit ups x 40
400m run
abmat sit ups x 50

post time to comments


  1. we do our best to modify for the row.

    for the 1st 500m row we subbed 50 kbswings @24kg
    for the 2nd 500m row we subbed 50 hang power snatches with 40kg(90#)

    still a nice wod!

    bou. 20:29
    rob. 22:29 bou left me behind during the snatches. damn it!

  2. more like abdo rhobdo

  3. Steve C. Had to do this one at work today and I didn't have a rower so had to run 400's in place of the row's. Everything else as perscribed. 16:34

  4. Pete W. 39/200bw. Almost rx. Did this at the station with Steve. Used my old concept 2 rower on the first row but it crapped out midway through the second row so I ran 200m to complete the movement. 19:19

  5. mego / bw 163# / 23:56 rx

    that damn ghd machine gives me a headache like none other.

    todd blew my legs off with a grenade, steve made me unable to hug my mom, and aaron made the hiccups feel like bullets in my gut.

    thanks guys!

    turbo next week. fml.

  6. 114...

    Couldn't make it to box
    did Michael instead:
    3 rounds of:
    800meter run
    50 back extensions
    50 GHD situps

    felt like I was running with a knife in my hamstrings
    after yesterdays WOD (ohs and #65 walking lunges)

    Meg- I hear u on the headache...
    Still feel a little woozy!!!

    didn't time it since i had to run up and down a flight of
    stairs after each run.

  7. ari: gary busey - i used to be your agent
    gary: you're a gut maggot - with no guts

    i kinda felt like i didnt have any guts after tonight.

    is it really a good idea to develop your glutes if they are already substantial.

  8. Did a mod workout (thanks Chris!!) - 17.48 - first good hard workout back thoroughly enjoyed it - maybe a little too much!! Surprised myself although being easy on the ankle still tough. Also a little sore from the other day doing lunges and push-ups but pulled thru on the rower!

    Meg & Chris -
    I really would like to say that it is GREATLY appreciated with what you guys have created! I am loving it more and more everyday and being out for 2 months has really helped me to see and realize how Awesome you guys really are!! Like I didn't know before but you know what I am saying... I hope! hehe :o)
