Tuesday, June 2, 2009


warm up
press progression w/ pvc x 10
- shoulder press
- push press
- push jerk

shoulder press
5min rest

amrap in 8mins:
- strict pull ups x 3
- clapping push ups x 6
- 2pood russian kb swings x 9

post heaviest load & total rounds


  1. cav. 163bw. rx. 135# / 8

    turbo. 155bw. rx. 155# / 13

    jon b. 150bw. 24kg kb. 105# / 6

    aaron p. 220bw. rx. 175# / 8

    kohl. 255bw. rx. 195# / 7

    jon g. 152bw. rx. 115# / 8

    josh k. 210bw. 24kg kb. 145# / 8

    josh c. 185bw. rx. 145# / 6

    steve c. 195bw. rx. 135# / 11

    caleb. 155bw. rx. 125# / 10

    steve d. 158bw. rx. 145# / 12

    dustin. 165bw. rx. 115# / 8

    harry. 243bw. mod. 95# / 6

    matt m. 180bw. rx. 125# / 8

    eric. 253bw. mod. 130# / 7

    travis. 208bw. mod. 85# / 5

    scott. 175bw. 24kg full kbs. 135# / 7

    karl. 195bw. 24kg full kbs. 105# / 5

    katy. 102bw. mod. 55# / 7

    ryan. 198bw. rx. 140# / 6

    boz. 216bw. rx. 185# / 10

    donald. 184bw. rx. 145# / 7

    brannon. 187bw. rx. 125# / 8

    jenn. 116bw. mod. 60# / 5

    rey. 218bw. 24kg full kbs. 165# / 6

    jv. 114bw +/- 2. rx. 110# / 9

    russ. 156bw. rx. 145# / 12

  2. Just wanted to say that I'm STILL following this site...just don't always have time to post, so I don't.
    Best programming!
    I'll be in the Tampa area next week...how far from there are you guys?? Would love to visit.

  3. 165bw.rx.170#/9...Florida bound!

  4. maria-
    depending where in tampa, we're about 3-4hrs away. if you can swing it, we'd love to meet you and share some blood, sweat and tears with ya!

    safe travels!

  5. I hate the rubberband...

  6. nic from tampa04 June, 2009 15:15

    i plan on coming up next week,
