Wednesday, May 27, 2009


warm up
800m run

2 rounds of Cindy

pvc x 10:
- hang squat clean
- push press
- ohs
- thruster

for time:
500m row
kte x 20
95# hang power clean x 20
500m row
c2b pull ups x 20
95# push press x 20
500m row
hspu x 20
95# ohs x 20
500m row
cfjax burpees x 20
95# thrusters x 20

josh c. locked out
rowdy in 'ghosts of burpees past'

caroline from boulder city crossfit fully extended


  1. cav. 164. mod. 29:15

    caroline. 115. mod. 29:45

    rowdy. 176. mod. 33:15

    josh c. 190. mod. 34:40

    travis. 208. mod. 33:13

    josh k. 208. mod. 34:$5

    dustin. 164. mod. 29:19

    kohl. 255. mod. 28:16

    aaron. 220. mod. 26:17

    matt. 177. mod. 22:14

    donald. 188. mod. 33:41

    beth-ann. 157. mod. dnf/pukie

    angela. 168. mod. 36:43

    karl. 195. mod. 33:10

    miguel. 205. mod. 34:25

    alex. 197. mod. 32:47

    scott. 175. mod. 27:57

    ryan. 198. mod. 35:59

    luis. 135. mod. 30:51

    brannon. 187. mod. 29:56

    jv. 117. mod. 27:19

    lorena. 128. mod. 31:25

    caleb. 155. rx. 22:49
    steve d. 158. rx. 20:31
    moises. 218. rx. 28:17
    jon. 154. rx. 28:47
    turbo. 157. rx. 19:11
    dr j. 180. rx. 23:37
    barry. 217. rx. 29:24

    majority of the players modified and scaled the workout today for various reasons. for some, the prescribed load was too heavy for this metcon. it would have defeated the purpose, which was high intensity power-endurance. for most, it was modified due to lack of skills required required for the bodyweight movements. the ability to balance one's own body in different planes & angles showed itself (or weaknesses exploited) today. for those who needed modification, understand and know your weakness and work on them pior to, and after your workout. skill development is a part of our warm-up as well as your own responsibility to work on them on your own time...come early and stay late if you have to.

  2. Rob in Ger. (still in Fla.)28 May, 2009 09:20

    Will attack this later today. Have been taking care of my sons "new home". Yesterday's WOD was putting furniture together for time. ;-)!

    You guys are looking sharp there!

