Thursday, May 28, 2009


warm up
tabata double unders

pvc x 10:
back squat
hang power snatch

back squats
warm up sets 3 x 5
work sets 3 x 3
rest 5 mins

15-10-5 of:
24kg full kb swings
24" box jumps
5-10-15 of:
clapping push ups
ring dips

post 3RM and total time

angela hip hoppin'
put your hands together for steve d.
aaron driving outta the hole

1 comment:

  1. josh c. 190bw. 285# / 9:13 mod

    angela. 168bw. 170# / 7:56 mod

    caleb. 155bw. 255# / 5:45 rx

    aaron. 220bw. 365# / 7:49 rx

    travis. 208bw. 205#

    harry. 241bw. 165# / 8:03 mod

    jon. 154bw. 205# / 5:47 rx

    dustin. 166bw. 215# / 6:52 mod

    steve d. 158bw. 235# / 3:19 rx

    barry. 216bw. 275# / 7:08 rx

    eric. 253bw. 225# / 12:00 mod

    turbo. 158bw. 335# / 4:18 rx

    dr j. 180bw. 345#pr / 4:12 rx

    steve c. 198bw. 230#pr / 6:37 rx

    aaron h. 155bw. 255# / 6:29 rx

    scott. 175bw. 165# / 7:47 rx

    luis. 135bw. 165# / 8:31 rx

    jv. 116bw. 205# / 6:49 rx

    katy. 102bw. 75# / 5:43 mod
