Tuesday, May 26, 2009


warm up
500m row

burgener warm up w/ pvc 3 x 8

warm up set 3 x 5
work set 3 x 3

post 3RM

jv gettin' down with the sickness

1 comment:

  1. todd. 218. 225#

    cav. 165. 135#

    kohl. 252. 205#

    caleb. 155. 175#

    harry. 241. 145#

    jon. 153. 155#

    jv. 117. 145#

    turbo. 157. 225#

    caroline (boulder city crossfit). 75#

    beth-ann. 156. 95#

    barry. 218. 235#

    aaron. 220. 235#

    matt. 178. 165#

    luis. 135. 155#

    angela. 168. 100#

    karl. 195. 145#

    brannon. 187. 165#

    lorena. 128. 85#

    scott. 175. 145#

    alex. 197. 145#

    a cfjax welcome to caroline from boulder city, colorado. she and beth-ann worked out together and enjoyed a 'cookie' at the end of the wod consisting of:
    21" box jumps
    16kg russian kb swings

    caroline 3:47
    beth-ann 4:24
