Friday, May 22, 2009


warm up
800m run

2 rounds of:
-double unders x 25
-ball slams x 10
-yoga push ups x 10

pvc burgener warm up x 10

6 rounds for time:
135# snatch x 5
muscle up x 5

scale as needed


  1. turbo. 157. rx. 11:52

    russ. 162. rx. 14:58*

    kyle r. 188. 65#/mod. 10:23

    jenn. 115. 45#/mod. 11:23

    caleb. 155. 115#. 17:06 (8 total rnds; 1st two rnds @ 95#)

    cav. 162. 75#. 15:28

    matt m. 179. 75#/mod. 23:46

    dustin. 165. mod. 23:28

    jon. 153. 95#. 19:01

    jv. 116. 95#. 10:16

    steve c. 199. 95#. 21:32

    aaron. 220. mod. 19:40

    travis. 208. 75#/mod. 16:58

    barry. 219. 2rnds@95#/1rnd@115#/3rnds@135#. 29:51

    miguel. 203. mod. 18:00

    brannon. 187. mod. 16:25

    scott. 175. mod. 17:56

    'mod' is modified muscle ups which consisted of 3 ring pull ups then 3 ring dips for every one muscle up rep.

    *i lost count on my snatches during several rounds. after reviewing the vid, i realized i did 5 total extra snatches overall. i can't count. because of this, my first thought immediately after the workout was hate & anger due to how i felt and how i in keeping with the german theme (thx to rob from germany who visited us) - i titled this wod 'hitler'.

  2. I don't know I would say Pinochet, maybe even Pol Pot but then again I didn't do the wod. It very well could be a Hitler but definitely not a Stalin or Mao Ze-Dong.
