Saturday, May 23, 2009


warm up
400m run

3rnds of:
-box jumps x 10
-kb swings x 10
-burpees x 10

pvc x 10:
-push jerk
-hang clean

4-person team concept. only 2 people work @ a time.
-300 pull ups
-400 push ups
-500 sit ups
-600 squats


  1. dr j/steve d/turbo/dave rx 22:01

    jon/cav/scott/matt rx 29:38

    lisa/liz half reps mod 29:02

    caleb 1/4 reps 20:12

  2. Did 23may09
    rob.205.mod 125#/ pull ups,dips.18:00
    Nic.?.mod 45# 3 rounds @11:06.

    I am working very hard at converting him. We did "Hitler" after a family bbq. It was a little hard after beer and Margeritas. However, we got through it. (I cannot wait till i am at a gym, where the weight can be dropped.)

    We will do Trevor tonight....

  3. Rob/ Nic
    200 pull ups
    200 push ups
    250 sit ups
    300 squats

    34:14 Nic got to meet Pukie! ;-)
