Monday, February 2, 2009

warm up:
5min jump rope
5rnds of -
5 hspu (nose to ground)
10 ghd situps
10 ghd back extensions
15 ohs @ 45# w/ 3 second pause at depth

with a continuous running clock -
30/30 kb swings @ 24kg for 10mins
post total reps
3min rest

30/30 pull up for 10mins
post total reps
3min rest

30/30 box jumps @ 30" for 10mins
post total reps

30/30 is 30secs of work followed immediately with 30secs of rest.


  1. name / bodyweight
    swings / pull ups / box jumps

    CAV / 163
    157 / 105 / 105

    RYAN / 200
    111 / 55 / 74

    JESSIE K / 149
    16kg 115 / 51 / 90

    JOSH C / 190
    126 / 49 / 107

    SHERRY / 112
    16kg 161 / 77 / 118

    CHRISTIAN / 155
    162 / 110 / 178

    JV / 125
    135 / 103 / 163

    CARLA / 148
    166 / jumping pull ups 106 / 144 step ups

    CALEB / 160
    176 / 70 / 124

    BILL / 200
    131 / 38 / 73

    JON / 150
    123 / 93 / 134

    JENN / 114
    16kg 167 / banded pull ups 98 / 101

    LORENA / 128
    16kg 170 / banded pull ups 98 / 108 step ups

    RUSS / 157
    171 / 81 / 137

    JU ROTC did the following for time:

    800m run
    21 hang cleans @ 95#
    42 pull ups
    400m run
    15 hang cleans @ 95#
    30 pull ups
    400m run
    9 hang cleans @ 95#
    18 pull ups
    800m run

    BEEGEES / 209 / 29:15
    BLAKE / 188 / 23:18
    STEVE D / 162 / 20:15
    PATRICK / 200 / 19:42
    JUSTIN / 170 / 26:41
    LEWDOG / 175 / 26:41

    turbo j & kyle k did the following:

    800m run
    21 ohs @ 95#
    42 pull ups
    400m run
    15 ohs @ 95#
    30 pull ups
    400m run
    9 ohs @ 95#
    18 pull ups
    800m run

    TURBO J / 155 / 19:04
    KYLE K / 175 / 20:55

    we experimented with 'chest to the bar' on the pull ups today and i liked it so much that it is now the standard here at CFJAX. i'm all about increasing the standards and making them higher than the average norm and so i took it one step further and made the standards on the box jumps higher. instead of jumping on and hopping off immediately on the box (which most people can properly execute with full hip extension...others not so much) we are now performing them by jumping on the box and standing to full extension of the knees and hips AND THEN stepping down.

    standby for more changes and higher will only make us stronger, faster, bigger and badder than the next cookie-cutter affiliate/gym.

  2. Robert/220 rx

    KB's with 10kg,Pullups with band. Squats instead box jumps.

    C2B is a lot more interesting. That being the standard will only help me more. I can only say it so often. Because of your concept at Crossfit Jax, I probably have never been fitter,flexible and etc.
    I know I haven't had the chance to workout w/ you guys directly. However, I hope to do so one day soon.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. thanks for the words, rob. its good to see your wife, susi, mixing it up right along with you. increasing the standards will make everyone better in the long run...and when you retreat back to the normal standards, they will seem effortless.

    if improving performance i.e. 'increasing work capacity across broad time and modal domains' is really what we're after...then we should always strive to better everything in every capacity, rather than repeating the same anything all the time.

    but what the hell do i know? don't take my words for it...the numbers/performances/body composition of our members speak for themselves.

  4. GUY / 175# / rx (although using a rickety pullup bar-mostly did non-kipping pullups)
    KBS-120 / PU-89 / Box-123
