Thursday, February 5, 2009

warm up:
100 jumping jacks
50 air squats
3rnds of -
- 10 push ups
- 10 ghd situps
- 10 back extensions

c2 rower damper setting 10men/5women
burn max calories on rower for 5:00
5:00 rest
burn 100 calories on rower for time
5:00 rest
burn max calories on rower for 2:30
3:00 rest
burn 50 calories on rower for time
3:00 rest
burn max calories on rower for 1:15
1:00 rest
burn 25 calories on rower for time

post calories/times for score


  1. name - 5minrow/100cal, 2:30row/50cal, 1:15row/25cal

    aaron - 92/6:07, 46/2:53, 28/1:32
    steve c - 100/5:26, 50/2:38, 28/1:08
    turbo j - 109/4:46, 56/2:22, 30/:59
    jon - 90/5:51, 44/3:05, 26/1:22
    angela - 54/9:30, 29/4:24, 16/2:15
    dr j - 106/3:12, 52/2:15, 33/:57
    cav - 85/6:00, 47/2:44, 26/1:15
    kohl - 104/4:45, 55/2:28, 30/:53
    jeff - 102/5:10, 55/2:18, 30/:57
    matt - 1:04/5:17, 55/2:18, 31/:52

    for those that did this workout, ask yourself the following question:

    - could i have gone harder/faster?

    if you answered yes, then you my friend, missed the point of the workout. the idea was to go balls-to-the-wall and leave nothing in the tank...yes until failure. otherwise, its just a long ass warm-up and all you did was waste your time.

    the next time you walk in and look at the board and think "hmmm...i can coast here and there and go hard there and here and this won't be so bad if i pace myself at some point..." you can turn right back around, get in your vehicle and go home, look into your rear view and say "hmmm...i am mediocre and i'm proud."

    it's either that or the complete opposite. if you're wondering what the complete opposite is, take a look at the times of the people that worked the hardest during this workout. i highly advise you watch them the next time they train and ask yourself "hmmm...can i work that hard?" ... "am i capable?"

    ...the answer is an astounding YES. the hard part is proving that to yourself.

  2. i received this email tonight from one of our members who will remain anonymous. i wanted who ever reads our comments to reflect on themselves and ask if they too, have that inner voice deep within that sometimes takes over us and makes cowards of us all. we've all succumbed to him at some point. we're all guilty of cheating ourselves, one another...even our own family. we shave a rep here, a round there and think "no one will notice". after all, we're only human and humans are designed to fail every now and then and we're programmed to let ourselves and one another down. its in our make up. the idea though, is to take that inner voice that makes us take the easy way out, to cheat, to be mediocre, that makes us want to quit and grab its throat and punch it in the mouth. because as easy as we can choose to quit and take the easy way, we can just as easily take the opposite approach and stick through it and tough it out. THIS APPLIES TO EVERYTHING IN LIFE. and i think that is the number one reason i crossfit. here's the email:

    "thanks for the emails...reading the articles have made me think about my past month training at cfjax..after reading i sat and started thinking about what i have put into my training..definitely not a 100% my occasion comes to mind that bothers me pretty bad.......i had three more rounds of pull-ups and push-ups during a make up day one sunday..and i gave up...i remember the look on chris's face (russ) when i told him i quit....all i could think about the look on his face and the kind of impression i made on him...a quitter.....i have a weakness...i let that little part in my brain come out during those crazy workouts and it get the best of me each time....this is something i'm aware of...and something i WILL overcome...thanks for the push each workout...and not giving up on me."

  3. Looks as if this is a BEAST of a workout. Will have to try this one sometime.

  4. I love you guys. Great Wod, great thoughts.

  5. Guy / 175 / rx
    94/5:36, 49/2:47, 25/:58
