Sunday, January 25, 2009


warm up:

400m run

50 single unders

25 double unders

5rnds of cindy

20 walking lunges

10 burpees


in this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. this is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. perform 3 total rounds. the stations are:

  1. wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (reps)
  2. sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (reps)
  3. box jump: 20" box (reps)
  4. push-press: 75 pounds (reps)
  5. c2 rower: calories (calories)

the clock does not reset or stop between exercises. on call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. one point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. post total reps for score.


  1. name - score

    pat - 407
    steve d - 351
    moises - 350
    blake - 340
    caleb - 335
    cav - 298
    beegees - 277
    steve c - 271
    davis - 261
    aaron - 259
    rowdy - 251
    eddy - 241
    jessie - 240

  2. Nice job Pat!!! I noticed it says this was Sunday the 25th's workout.. But its Saturday night right now... :)

  3. Robert- 250
    Were we supposed to do more than 2 rounds? Ya'll enjoy the weather over there!

  4. rob, this fgb was performed in 3rnds. this workout is usually done in 3 but can be done in 5rnds. sorry for the confusion...i forgot to mention that in the explanation.

  5. Guy / 175 / 3 rounds =323
    Had to sub Thrusters (45# bar)for wall ball, & treadmill run for row.
    I miss sea level.

  6. guy -
    nice job of sub'ing the movements. another great example of not having excuses for shit. target-weapons-movement...get some go again.

  7. You know me Dawg! Sheeeeeeee

    Again Faster!
