Saturday, January 3, 2009


2 person team workout:
- tire flip / tire jumps
- 200m farmer carry / overhead plate carry
- rhythm ropes / ring rows
- 200m wheelbarrow
- 200m buddy carry

7rnds for time of:
a shot of firefly vodka
20 burpees
20 ghd situps
(his last 2rnds were double shots)


  1. each station was 6 minutes of work. 1 minute transition between stations. one partner flips the tire to his/her partner and he/she does 5 tire jumps. they then flip it back to the other partner and repeat. all the other stations are performed working simultaneously. the rhythm ropes was 20 reps and ring rows 10 reps. the partner switch roles on the wheelbarrow and buddy carry after 200m.

  2. HAHA, i love that group pic Chris' head is covering me PERFECTLY so i am 100% cut out of the photo... Thanks bud!!!

    Just messin, good workout, see yall next Saturday!

    Oh, Megan, yes i ment you when i said Christina, i told Chris why i said that. But its mostly because im a fuk-tard... SORRY!!!
