Friday, January 2, 2009

5rnds for time:
135# press x1
135# push press x3
135# push jerk x5
muscle ups x1/2/3/4/5 (muscle ups increase 1 rep each round i.e. 1rep 1st rnd, 2reps 2nd rnd etc. transition from one movement to the next with minimal rest period)

5min rest

3rnds for time:
air squats x10
jump squats x20
135# back squat x30


  1. name bodyweight mod
    press / squat

    jv 125 95#
    10:40 / 14:30

    clay 215 115#
    9:41 / 16:37

    cav 163 115#
    16:53 / 17:44

    rowdy 180 115#
    13:16 / 17:47

    lisa 118 35#,jpu
    5:25 / 11:36

    kristin 65#,jump bar mu
    8:51 / 11:27

    todd 205 jump bar mu
    8:26 / 15:23

    guy 175 115#,jump bar mu
    11:19 / 16:46 rx

    turbo 155 rx
    8:56 iffy press / 10:26

    jeff 115#
    9:30 / 14:46 rx

    10:33 press rx

    cory 65#, jump bar mu
    14:08 / 11:35

    rey 215
    13:11 @ 115# / 16:47 rx

    caleb 160 rx
    12:37 / 10:22

    jon 150 115#
    15:31 / 11:57

    meghan 140 75#
    10:26 / 19:56

    russ 160 rx
    14:14* / 11:20

    solista 199 rx
    10:38 / 8:53

    mike and i did this workout on new year's day. he made an un-announced surprise visit and it was great to workout with him and to have him in the gym again. i have an asterisk next to my press time because, like a fuqtard, i only did 2 reps of the push press vice 3...and i'm the one who came up with the press wod. for those of you with jello-jiggler thighs and sore buttocks, you can thank solista himself for that concoction.

    bless the pygmies.

  2. Seems like today is the day to thrash some legs. Get some, go again!

  3. Rich 190 3 rounds

    Gym was closing while I was doing the overhead workout.

    3 rounds in 6'12", couldn't lock out the press in round 3 so I did 6 push presses.
