Monday, January 5, 2009

5-10-15-10-5 of the following for time:
-1 arm alternating russian kbs @ 24kg (L/R=1rep)
-1 arm alternating kb snatch @ 24kg(L/R=1rep)


find 1 rep max turkish getup
use db, kb, or barbell

post time/load for score


  1. name/bw/kbs/snatch/time/load

    cav 163/16kg/12:14/50#DB
    todd 205/rxd/15:41/80#BB
    lisa 118/20#/14:46/25#DB
    christian 150/rxd/16kg/10:31/75#BB
    sherez 112/16kg/20#/12:45/45#BB
    jv 125/16kg/12:45/60#BB
    josh k 165/16kg/15:05/55#BB
    jon 150/24kg/16kg/17:45/50#KB
    rowdy 180/16kg/22:42/50#KB
    caleb 160/24kg/16kg/14:24/75#BB
    brad 240/rxd/12:14/115#BB
    rey 215/16kg/12:44/60#BB
    angela 178/20#/24#/11:32/16kgKB

    pretty quiet at CFJ today. i believe everybody to still be recovering from friday last week. our first plankowner put his goals for 2009 up on the wall, something for everyone to think about! go beyond your limits and ask yourself, what do you really want to accomplish??

    get ready for uncharted territory tomorrow!

  2. robert 220/rxd/20:00/60#DB
    Turkish get up is something new for me.
