Tuesday, December 23, 2008

50 rope slams
12 muscle ups
9 push press @ 135#
2min rest

35 rope slams
9 muscle ups
15 push press @ 115#
2min rest

20 rope slams
6 muscle ups
21 push press @ 95#

post all 3 times for score


  1. name / bodyweight / mod

    davis / 183 / mod
    6:08 - 3:48 - 2:20

    kevin / 155 / mod
    5:25 - 4:01 - 2:55

    cav / 163 / mod
    ? 5:23 - 3:04

    turbo / 155 / rx
    3:51 - 3:15 - 2:35

    mf / 203 / mod
    3:43 - 3:28 - 3:15

    lisa / 118 / sub kbs for ropes / mod
    3:45 - 3:15 - 3:04

    jeff / 170 / rx
    8:14 - 6:47 - 3:47

    clay / 215 / mod
    6:00 - 5:05 - 3:31

    josh c / 190 / mod
    3:50 - 3:18 - 3:05

    todd / 210 / mod
    2:46 - 3:00 - 2:30

    guy / 175 / mod
    4:40 - 4:13 - 3:30

    kristin / 150 / mod
    7:46 - 5:21 - 3:55

    jv / 120 / mod
    4:55 - 6:15 - 4:58

    eli / mod
    6:24 - 5:12 - 2:43

    matt n / 183 / mod
    6:33 - 4:42 - 3:04

    cory / mod
    9:30 - 6:49 - 14:23

    dr j / 180 / mod
    3:04 - 2:57 - 2:19

    lux / 160 / mod
    2:59 - 4:53 - 3:16

    caleb / 160 / rx
    4:00 - 4:11 - 3:24

    jon / 150 / mod
    6:56 - 6:25 - ?

    bill / 200 / mod
    5:30 - 4:39 - 4:04

    lorena / 128 / mod
    7:08 - 9:08 - 4:56

    josh k / 165 / mod
    14:14pukie - 9:12 - 6:58

    jenn / 116 / mod
    6:55 - 6:12 - 6:09

    for many, the mod for ring muscle ups was bar muscle ups or jumping bar muscle ups. most people scaled the rx weight, with the idea being to decrease the load as the reps increased on the push press.

  2. robert/220/mod- Ring dips and pullups 3x. instead of muscle ups. I am still working on them...

    8:17 - 5:47 - 4:32

    Merry Christmas CJAX!
