Tuesday, November 18, 2008

workout a
deadlift: find your 5RM then 5x5, then
EMOM for 10 minutes: weighted box jumps (45# vest) x10

workout b
225# deadlift
box jumps

post load/time for score.


  1. kyle r 195/b:mod hspu/9:47
    davis 185/a:rxd/185
    kevin 155/b:rxd/16:58
    caleb 165/b:rxd/9:25
    jason 153/b:rxd/11:28
    bill 191/a:rxd/275
    josh g 180/b:rxd/8:43
    meghan 140/b:185#1/2romhspu/15:48
    jon 150/a:rxd/245
    zach 190/b:rxd/5:50
    kohl 259.5/b:1/2romhspu/6:57
    skeet 210/b:mod hspu/11:47
    russ 165/b:paralette hspu/20:32
    guy 175/b:rxd/??
    mr kylekennedy 177/a:rxd/255
    devin 170/b:rxd/??

    everybody please make sure and post your times on the score board so i can post! thanks :)

  2. full range of motion took on a whole new definition today in the form of parallette handstand push-ups.

    we harp and demand full rom in all our movements, yet neglect and forget that we can always strive for better, faster, stronger and improve performance by stepping out of the box and in this case, go above and beyond the ordinary.

    never again will i perform 'regular' handstand push ups from the ground/floor up...nothing comes close to a parallette hspu.

    why do we choose jumping ball slams over regular ball slams? why clapping push ups instead of regular push ups? because we are over-achievers and because we can...thats why.

  3. Way to go Meghan!!! Awesome!

  4. Nice Meghan!!!
