Friday, November 21, 2008

clean & jerk
warm up sets 3x5
work sets 2x3, 2x2, 1x1
go heavy and increase load for pr

on the minute every 2 minutes for 10 minutes of:
6 muscle ups

zach clean & jerk 265# for pr


  1. name bodyweight clean&jerk

    lux 160 165#
    swaygo 190 210#
    chris j 162 175#
    jeff 165 175#
    kevin 155 165#
    jason 153 195#
    caleb 165 195#
    dr j 175 225#pr
    zach 190 265#pr
    jon 150 145#pr
    angela 95# (broke arm on 115# attempt)

  2. in the line of work we do (and it is work) there are inherent injuries that are just a part of the game. as with any sport, being injury free is always key and training and playing safely is the #1 way to prevent injuries. having said that, injuries aren't always avoidable even if you are being safe...these are called accidents or mishaps. the key here is to learn from these accidents/mishaps so we do not repeat them.

    today, there were several people displaying poor form or defaulted to poor form due to increasing the load. one of the many important reasons to practice good form and the number one reason why we as a staff instill proper technique is for safety and safety alone. with that safety comes efficacy and then efficiency - IN THAT ORDER. the number one way to injure yourself? perform a movement incorrectly and increase the load.

    from here on, the load will be scaled down (intensity level as well) if and when you display poor form & technique. this is not to damage your ego or hurt your pride...i could care less about that. what i do care about is your health and safety.

    tomorrow we all check to make sure everyone signed a waiver...for time.
