Friday, November 14, 2008


5 rounds of:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
3min rest in between rounds.

post time for score.


  1. name / bodyweight / mod
    round times

    kyle r / 195 / jpu / 3rnds
    4:56 / 5:55 / 5:37

    josh c / 190 / last 2rnds jpu
    4:43 / 5:44 / 6:33 / 6:41 / 5:25

    harry / 220 / 4rnds jpu
    5:31 / 7:57 / 8:24 / 7:45

    lorena / 128 / jpu mod pushups
    5:12 / 5:33 / 6:05 / 5:42 / 7:06

    jenn / 120 / jpu mod pushups
    5:47 / 7:24 / 7:24 / 7:04 / 7:24

    guy / 175 / rx
    5:12 / 5:45 / 6:32 / 8:40 / 6:56

    todd / 205 / rx
    4:02 / 4:45 / 5:25 / 5:55 / 6:09

    brian / 195 / 3rnds
    6:43 / 7:04 / 6:43jpu

    swaygo / 188 / rx
    2:59 / 3:30 / 4:52 / 4:44 / 4:22

    skeet / 207 / jpu
    6:27 / 6:06 / 10:18pukie / 7:47 / 6:10

    sam / half reps&kbs vice situps
    3:43 / 3:39 / 2:53 / 2:52 / 3:16

    david r / 170 / rx
    3:30 / 4:29 / 5:11 / 6:55 / 4:37

    cory / 120 / rx
    6:29 / 7:44 / 8:02 / 8:22 / 8:29

    cav / 164 / rx
    4:29 / 5:19 / 5:30 / 6:42 / 5:19

    kyle k / 177 / rx
    2:38 / 3:26 / 5:03 / 4:13 / 4:22

    dr j / 175 / rx
    3:05 / 3:24 / 3:43 / 4:05 / 3:48

    angela / 178 / jpu mod pushups
    8:30 / 7:25 / 7:23 / 6:50 / 7:40

  2. Phew! Nice to be back but man... Kicked my booty! Thnx!

  3. Holy frick, we almost did this one today! Now i'm wishing we had. Hell of a week at your box. Really like yesterdays WOD.

  4. Brought Fenn and Clay over to the Base Gym after Drill to do this one!

    Its not as fun as Edgar Street, but we still rocked it out. The stop watch broke halfway through, so I didn't get a true score.

