Saturday, November 15, 2008

400 meter alternating lunges/45# push press.
Cooldown: Tabata L-Holds.
Post time for score.


  1. swaygo rxd/24:35
    andy rxd/31:32
    brian t rxd /30:34
    MAck rxd/35:10
    romy 30#/28:24
    nick rxd/35:08
    rachel 25#/35:20
    martha 25#/35:44
    rosann 30#/23:30
    avery rxd/35:28
    sam 30#/35:38
    david r rxd/35:28
    eric rxd 36:15
    guy rxd/39:15

    some of you forgot to post your scores!!!

  2. Was it a lunge with each leg then the push press, or a push press for each lunge?

  3. push press for each lunge i.e. bar in the rack position then lunge left leg, bring right leg forward to stand then press...repeat for right leg and so on.

  4. 27:50 Nice Work-Out
    Didn't help that I did fran last night.
