Sunday, November 30, 2008

135# hang power clean
135# push press
135# front squat
Looks like 10 cleans, 10 press, 10 squats...then 9 cleans, 9 press, 9 squats and so on until final rep of 1.


  1. todd rx 20:50
    clay 95# 23:38
    socks rx 30:00
    russ rx 17:22
    meghan 75# 16:21

  2. Nice photo! I'll be wearing my new CFJax t-shirt proudly this week..Thanks again Meghan and everyone at CFJax for having me! If your ever in Denver your welcome to swing through FrontRange Crossfit (

  3. so let me get this straight...

    it's 10 135lb hang clean, then 10 push press, then 10 front squat followed by 9 135lb hang clean, then 9 push press, then 9 front squat???

    or do all 135 hang cleans 10-1 first...then the push press..then the front squat???

  4. anonymous, the answer is A. Perform each movement individually in order (hang clean, push press, front squat) x10, x9, x8, etc. Looks like 10 clean, 10 press, 10 squat, 9 clean, 9 press, 9 squat, and so on.

  5. Hi, is the rxd 135# based on a 185#male bw? I'm a 135# bw female and really struggled with the 100#equivalent wt.

    Thank you.

  6. rxd weight for women on this one was 75#

  7. Thank you for the response re. the rxd bw query. I xfit solo at a globogym and often follow your wods as opposed to the xfit mainsite wods. You guys do a really nice job with them.

  8. thanks for the compliments, anonymous. we're not trying to be better than anyone else...what we've been doing, what we're currently doing and what we will be doing is what works for us. the goal is to improve on a daily basis. a 'training' workout should never have to be duplicated...'performance' type wods such as the benchmark wods i.e. the girls and heros, we re-visit to gauge our work capacity to keep us on our toes. please read our current blogpost under our rants/raves link...nothing compares to doing crossfit in a crossfit gym!
